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I laid on my bed after Ryker kissed me with my mind racing 2 hours after. He didn't do more then that but laid me down. He's now by my legs kissing my left upper thigh. It was making me blush as he was focused on just that. Just kissing my thigh softly puts him in a vary content mindset.

"Your skin is so soft." He said as he ran his hand over my leg.

I bit my lip. "You're calmer now, I'm happy."

He only hummed in his throat. Suddenly there was a knock on my door. I sat up as Ryker went to answer it. Zele was there and said something lowly to Ryker.

Ryker turned to face me when he was done speaking. "John has been found hiding in his sister's home by the south summer forest. I will return as soon as this matter is done."

I swallowed at his words. "Ryker I don't think-"

Ryker came closer and kissed my lips stealing my breath away. He smiled at me before leaving after. I sighed as I felt my worry start to grow. Soon Anna came back.

"Anna how far away is the south summer forest?" I asked as I made my bed.

Anna showed her dislike for me doing her job as she moved from foot to foot in her spot. "It about.......16 miles away."

I looked at her shocked. How did he find him 16 miles away so quickly. He made a 16 mile search happen for me? Such silly things are for someone worthy.

"Did I not choose you?"

I paused as Rykers words moved about in my head. A sigh passed through me as I sat on the bed. A knock came on my door and Anna answered. Zele entered with another maid carrying clothing. "Your clothing has arrived, please let me know if you don't fancy anything." Zele said standing tall.

I nodded as I moved to the set. Zele left as Anna started hanging my clothing. I searched through them until I saw a black silk shirt with shorts. I decided it would go great with the robe.

I got dressed in the bathroom before asking Anna how it looks. She agreed with my choice. I felt better now that my body was clothed. I started to help Anna with putting the clothing away.

"Do you know of Mr. John?" I asked her.

She frowned a little. "Just from words mostly. He's the city's General nephew. Some women have spoken of his forced bedding. Others of his rude demeanor."

I frowned at her words. "Sorry to ask, but do you know why he was here?"

Anna stopped putting clothing away as she seemed to think. "I heard he was relaying a message to Master from the General. Master was sending Mr. John back with his reply and commands."

I sighed as she went back to putting up clothing. I turned and walked to the open window. The breeze was refreshing but the view was beyond words. I've never seen such stars in the sky.

I hope Ryker is well. My chest started to hurt as a throb begin. I've been free for less than a day and I've already caused problems. How will he stand me enough to bed me? I've caused Ryker to go out and take a man's life. Mother and father were right to have sold me. I'm nothing but a problem. As if reading my mind Anna came over.

"You should eat and get your mind off distant things." She stopped by my side and smiled. "I'll retrieve a new dish for you if you wish."

She made me realize I never did eat the food Ryker went out of his way to get for me. He was even carrying it around in his arms himself.

Giving her a small nod I let her go and get me a new hot dish. Ryker wanted me to eat and that what I'll do. Moving to the bed once more I sat down and ran my hand over my black shorts. It made me think of my sisters clothing. How are they? It's only been a few hours but I was so worried for them. Do they miss me too? I decided to plan a day to visit them when I can.

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