.7 Fear

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           ((Kia's new room))


The house we arrived at was marvelous. It was huge with a field a flowers before it. It stood as tall as Solace home but was much wider. It stretched from field to field. The carriage curried us past the gate and to the front entrance.

Ryker exited the carriage first before offering his hand to me. I took it to steady myself and smiled gratefully at him.

"The maids and butlers stays at our home with us. They sleep on the west wing. Our rooms are on the east wing, as they'll show you. There is a garden in the back and front. I hope you'll love both. I have a stable out back as well. Pick any horse you wish."

I could only nod as Ryker spoke and walked. We walked up the stone steps words the brown wood doors. The doors opened before we touched them causing me to gasp. Ryker rubbed my shoulder as he lead me inside. Maids and butlers were lined up on each side of us.

"Welcome home Master." They said in sync.

I blushed and Ryker just smiled at them. "Thank you, this is Kia. Starting today he will be my lover."

The butler who opened to door came to stand before us. He was an older man with grey hairs but still had youth to him.

"Master you've never claimed a lover." He sounded blank, almost bored.

Ryker handed him his coat. "I know that Zele. Please prepare a bath for Kia and new clothing. He is to get his own room not far from mine. After, take him to my study and bring him dinner there."

Zele bowed at the waist and turned a bit to me. "This way Mr. Kia."

I looked at Ryker am saw his caring smile. I bit my lip as I looked back at Zele and saw him waiting. I left Ryker's side as I started to follow. My eyes fell on the beautiful marble floor under me. As we went higher and higher I noticed that the staircase curved.

The cream walls seemed to shine as the caught the sunlight. There were no pictures on the walls. Different plants were at every corner. The smell of muffins lifted into the air. When we reached the top floor Zele turned towards the east wing. I followed quietly and let my eyes rome. The house was fantastic and more than I've ever seen. I was afraid to touch anything.

"This is your chambers." Zele said getting my attention.

I watched him push open the brown doors and felt my mouth drop open. The room was something I couldn't have even dreamed of. I'm supposed to sleep in such a big room?

Zele entered behind me and closed the doors after. "I will measure you before your bath for new clothing. Please undress when you're ready."

I nodded in understanding as I slipped my clothing off. I covered my private as Zele measured my arms and legs. He was done rather quick. I got dressed as I watched him go into the bathroom and start to run the water.

When he came back out I was in the walk in closet looking around. "Your bath is ready, please enjoy. I will be back soon with clothing and to take you to Master."

I nodded. "T-Thank you."

Zele nodded before leaving. I sighed as silence gathered around me. No drunk men or yelling father. I looked around the room once more before going to the bathroom. The beauty inside this room was blinding.

I didn't want to set my old clothing on anything clean. I decided the small ben by the door was best. When I turned to the tub I felt my eyes widen. Zele had given me bubbles to go with my bath. It was almost filled to the top.

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