.4 Him

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           ((How Ryker looks!!))

It's been six days since I was hurt and I've healed some. I still wasn't allowed to work, Masters word, but I was allowed to walk around alone again. Rose was back to work and I was thinking of a way to show her my thankfulness. I still had my silver coins and I was thinking of going out to buy her a gift.

I smiled to myself, happy that I came to a decision. I was on my way back to my room after visiting Marry. She was working on new clothes for me. I bumped into Lilly on my way to my room. I caught her before she fell. She blushed and I found it adorable. She looked like she was in a rush.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly so my jaw wouldn't tick.

She looked around in a hurry before grabbing my hand and leading me the way she came. I followed without complaint. She was moving fast with such a small body I was envious.

When she stopped pulling me I saw Master pacing by a door on the third floor. When he spotted me and Lilly he frowned a little before hurrying over to us. "Lilly I asked you to go find someone who wasn't busy, as in one of the girls." His tone was soft but I could see his nervousness.

Lilly was moving from foot to foot. "He was the only one, all the big sisters are behind curtains or cleaning up after coming from the curtains." She spoke in a rush.

Master rubbed his face before looking defeated. "Alright fine." he turned to face me fully. "Kia the man behind that door is very powerful in this town, hell the city close by as well. I need you to go inside and be kind and nice until I can get one of the girls up here. You just serve drinks and keep your head down, you'll be fine."

I blinked my one good eye in surprise. Master fixed up my clothes quickly before moving me to the door. Before I could speak he and Lilly were already racing down the hall. I gulped and felt myself start to sweat. I didn't want to do this. But I didn't want to anger Master. I had to do my job as a server. I took a deep breath as I pushed the door open and walked in.

I kept my face down like Master ordered and made my way to the table by the far wall with the cups and drink. This was nerve racking since I couldn't really see the man. 

After I made it to the table I sat on my knees to prepare the drink before I froze. I didn't know what he wanted exactly. As if reading my mind he spoke.

His voice was deep, strong, and gave away that he was young. "Jack, no ice."

I gave a stiff nod as I poured his drink. I held the cup tightly as I made my way closer to him. When I held it out to him I was close enough to see his all black shoes. He was sitting on a bed of pillows. I felt my body lock in place when his hand moved past the cup and to my face. His hand was warm as he lifted my face by the chin.

I held back any sound from escaping me at the sight of him. He was beyond words, he was beyond me in every way. His eyes were blue, so blue like the sky and yet so green, like the grass. A turquoise color. I felt my breath leave me as he spoke looking directly to me.

"Your hurt? How?"

I inhaled. "A-A man from the bar, he drunk too much."

The man before me nodded in thought. "Your a man I can see. When did Solace start selling men? Why did he give you to me?"

He turned my face to the side a bit still looking over my wounds. "I-I am only a server. All of the woman are busy."

The man released me gently before scuffing and grabbing his drank from my hand. "He invites me here for my favor and doesn't even have a woman waiting for me? I should've known. What is your name?"

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