.12 Sisters

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((Red geranium flowers in pic))


To me it felt like forever until we reached the streets in town. I was still excited and Zele was still patient with me. As the brother grew closer and the sounds of the town grew I looked at Zele. Ryker said I could truth him. He said I could trust them all really. "Zele?"

The butler turned his eyes over to me. "Yes Mr. Kia?" His full attention was on me and I felt slightly silly for my next words. 

It was best to get them out now before anyone else hears. "I was hoping you could teach me how to read and write. I never learned how and I want to keep it from Ryker until I learn."

I knew it was a lot to ask him to keep something from his master. It was down right selfish but I didn't want to feel any pity, not from Ryker. Zele watched me for a moment before giving my a nod. "Of course Mr Kai. I'll start you lessons tomorrow. Master Ryker will hear nothing of it. You have my word." The older man shifted in his seat slightly and gave me a half bow. 

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I nodded at Zele grateful he was going to help me. "Thank you. I want to read to him someday. I want to read to my little siblings as well."The movements of the carriage came to a halt shortly after. 

I looked to the door as it opened and the driver made way for us. I stepped out first, against Zele's words to let him come around for me. I wasn't used to a butler or being treated this way so I offered a soft apology to him. He led the way to the brothel and the laugher could be heard from outside. It made me smile as I heard the woman inside laughing. Zele opened the doors for me and I moved inside quickly. 

"We aren't open yet you brute, get out!" I gasped as a glass cup came flying at me. Before I could react Zele quickly snatched it out the air. He gently set it down on a stand that was holding a plant as well. 

Once I got over my shock I looked up at see about four women standing together will cleaning supplies. The once who threw the glass and was standing in the front. Once she looked over my face she gasped and covered her mouth quickly. "Puppy?"

I shyly lifted my Hand to wave at Spice, Deara, Kim, and another I don't quite remember. "Hi girls."

Deara was the one who threw the glass. It was nice to see she was still so hot headed. A collection of happy queals came from the woman as they all rushed over to me. Zele stepped aside to let me take the full pressure of four woman squeezing around me. I could only laugh as I held my hands down in front of me and let them show how happy they were. 

"You came to visit?" "Your hair is so alive!" "Have you been eating good?" "That outfit is beautiful." "We missed you!" "Spend the night with us?" "Jen missed you like crazy before she left."

I perked up at the mentoning of Jen. My first sister here, the one I hurt. The woman must have noticed as they backed up some to give me space. "Is everyone around?" I glanced between the few woman.

Kim gave a shrug before turning around to hurry off. "I'll get the ones who are up!"

I smiled at her retreating form before feeling another snug hug happen. I closed my eyes and laughed at the three woman. "Guy's you'll squish me."

They didn't let up at all until Zele cleared his throat. The sound seems to have caught the women attention. They let me go and all eyes turned to Zele as he stood off to the side. "Please refrain from harming Mr.Kia with your many affections."

The girls glanced at each other before Spice walked over to stand before Zele. She was a few inches shorter than him but it didn't seem to bother her. "You look older but mature...are you a butler?"  

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