.15 Chains

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The snow seems never ending as it kept falling throughout the night. I didn't want to sleep, hoping to never lose the pure sight and Ryker agreed with me. We stayed up and explored the cabin while Anna slept in her own room. We whispered our words and tiptoed around to avoid squeaky wood under our feet that groaned at any weight. Laughter left us both and we were full of hot cocoa and muffins by the time the sun rises up again. 

I felt free and loved more than I ever had. Ryker actually wanted me around. He smiled with me and laughed with me with no restraints. The sun rising didn't bother either of us and when Anna came out of her slumber we were slowly dozing off into our own. She had found me and Ryker cuddled together, hiding behind the sofa from view in deep sleep. She left us that way and made a small breakfast for when we would awaken. I think she enjoyed seeing us act like children. 

The scent of real food called us awake eventually. The smell causing my mouth to water as my eyes opened. Ryker had beat me to waking, yet didn't move. I was slightly on his chest and I assumed preventing him from sitting up. As he looked down at me with soft smile I felt my awakening legs go weak all over again. Soon I realized he needed to get up. I was against it but the rumbling in my stomach fraught me about, and won.   

I eased off his chest and stood up with a well needed stretch. Ryker followed, a deep groan leaving him before he spoke. "Come, Anna has been cooking all morning. If we don't eat now she'll scorn us." He held a playful smile and it made me hold back one of my own. 

"The master is correct. I won't be pleased if you two don't eat. I also noticed we are out of muffins..." She gave us a knowing look when she suddenly appeared, which Ryker blankly ignored. 

I gave her a sheepishly sorry expression while walking towards the dining room table. She was dressed down in a maids outfit but it looked much more suited for this weather. The skirt was thick and layered and her sleeves were long. As me and Ryker took our seats I caught Anna smiling just slightly. The table was layout out with a mountain of food I doubt we would all eat. She had found time to make almost everything in the kitchen, even ham slices. Another rumble from my stomach alerted the other two. 

A deep blushed filled my cheeks as Ryker chuckled and Anna quickly made me a plate first. I gave her my thanks as Ryker decided his fun as a child wasn't over. "How come he gets to eat first? I am the master after all."

Anna was quick to speak after pouring me a glass of apple juice. "You are the master of our home. Considering this was sir Kia's idea to visit he is head of the home today."

Rykers mouth fell open and I couldn't help suddenly laughing behind my fork. Lifting my hand to cover my mouth Anna fought her own smile as she made Rykers plate next. I pretended to be interested in what's on my plate as Ryker looked over at me.  "I see you have no disagreements with the lady." 

I sat up straight and looked into his eyes once I was done chewing. The moment was playful, and carefree. I felt more bold the I usually would when a playful atmosphere was around. "No sir I don't. This is my palace today and I am master in it. So please don't speak unless spoken to." I went back to eating as Anna and Ryker stared at me slightly frozen. 

It was a moment of silence that started to make me nervous. Did I go too far? 

Anna was the first to break the silence as she busted out laughing suddenly. She didn't seem to care about how loud she was or how unlady-like it was to bend forward near her master to laugh. That made me happy. Ryker was next as he scooted his chair, rather loudly, closer to mine. "That was....sexy." Were the words that floated out of his mouth.  

The words only caused Anna to start laughing more while my cheeks turned the color of red apples. I nearly choked on the eggs I was chewing and had to drink some juice to ease them down. Ryker chuckled at me while Anna got her laughter under control. When we all got our giggle out and done Ryker started to eat with me as Anna started cleaning. The air went peaceful again, aside from Rikers legs bumping into mine under the table lightly. I could tell he wasn't doing it purposefully, but he was daydreaming. 

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