.5 Moment

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((Kia's outfit and the room on the third floor.))


I was working again and I was happy for the distractions. It's been a week and a half, my eye was finally going down. Ryker hasn't returned but I still haven't given up hope. I don't know why but I really wanted to see him.

"Come and get it!" I yelled over the music to the dancing crowd.

The group of men cheered at me returning with their drinks. They tripped over themselves getting to me. I giggled a bit watching them. Once the drinks were given I got my coins then made my way to the next table.

"What can I get you?" I asked kindly holding my serving tray under my arm.

There are two men at the table before me. They're built like soldiers and looked like brutes. I had no doubt they were slow thinkers.

The older of the two took his eyes off a girl long enough to look at me. "Just some ale."

I nodded went to walk off when my butt was smacked. I caught myself before I fell and looked back at the brute that was laughing. I hurried away to get the drinks and to hide my embarrassment.

After giving them their drinks I was given my coins before one grabbed my arm stopping me.

"Your a boy?" The young one asked.

I nodded and tried to take my arm from him. He wouldn't let go and I felt my heart speed up in panic.

"Why is a boy serving at a whore house? What joke is that?" He belted out a laugh.

His partner laughed as well. "How used are you boy?"

I gave him a distasteful look and pulled my arm free. When he went to reach for me again a hand caught his. I looked up at my savior and saw it was Ryker. He looked tired but deadly.

"Apologize." Was all he said to the men.

They both hurried out an apology before leaving in a rush. I looked down at the untouched ale and decided to just give them to the dancing group.

I gave my attention back to Ryker. "Thank you."

He smiled at me before moving to the stairs and going up them. I could only think he was going to the room on the third floor. I smiled brightly as I hurried to curry the drinks to the men. They cheered again causing me to laugh.

I made my way to the stairs and saw Master waiting for me. I smiled at him and he patted my shoulder for good luck. I took a deep breath before entering the room and closing the door behind me.

"Hi Kia." Ryker said as soon as the doors were closed.

"Hi Mr. Thron." I said as I moved to the table with the liquor.

I could feel his eyes watching me as I moved. I brought him his cup of Jack before going to sit in front of him. He smiled down at me before taking a sip.

"I'm sorry it took so long to visit. Family drama and all that." He waved his hand showing his dislike of the subject.

I shook my head quickly. "No need to apologize. You can come and go as you like. I have no say in how you move. I'm just thankful you'll have me a second time."

It was quiet in the room until Ryker grew tired of it. "Your clothing, a bit odd for a boy."

I blushed and folded my hands on my lap. "My new clothing is in the process of being made....still" I think they all just like me wearing these things to tease me.

He chuckled at my blush. "I mean to say it suits you. You look very beautiful."

My face burned at his compliment. "A man should not look beautiful." I said.

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