.20 Shift

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It's been a few days and all has went back to being calm. Music started back up in the home and I started to spend more time with Ryker. He hasn't touched me in a sexual way since before. I was starting to wonder if my marks disgust him after all. Or maybe he was already tired of having me as a lover. Is it bad that I want him to touch me again?

My thoughts were pulled towards the doctor as he finished taking the bandages off my legs. I was finally able to walk again without the limp. I stood up from my bed and did a small circle with smile. Anna watched me from the corner of the room. My door was opened behind me and I turned to look. Ryker came inside alone and I stood straight. 

He looked me over before coming closer to kiss my forehead. That wasn't where I wanted his kisses. "How do you feel?" 

I pushed though thoughts from my mind to give him my full focus. "I feel a lot better. I can move around more now." 

Ryker reached into his pocket before pulling out a silver chain. My eyes widened as I watched the black jewel raven shaped pendant come into sight. Hunter took it from me and I never thought I'd see it again. I looked up at Ryker as he smiled down at me. I reached behind my head to pull all my black hair up into my hands and out of his way. Ryker lifted the necklace to lace around my neck and back in place. 

"I'm sorry...for losing your gift before." I said softly looking down at the necklace. 

Ryker didn't say anything for a moment before he leaned his head down to rest on mine, surprising me. "Don't be sorry..."

I felt my heart skip as he said the words so gently. I started blushing as I realized Anna and the doctor were watching us. "R-Ryker..." I spoke softly as I wrapped my arms around him and moved closer to hug him. 

The moment was snapped apart as I felt Ryker pull away from me. He escaped my hug before I could give it and it made me confused. He touched my cheek lightly before looking over at the doctor. "Tomorrow I'll be taking him out for a bit. Please make sure he feels already to do so." The doctor nodded and Ryker turned from me to leave the room. 

I stood there standing in the center alone. I wasn't sure what had happened but I didn't like it. I didn't like it at all. No....


Anna's voice made me look at her and smile. "Will you help me pick out clothing for our day out?" 

She watched me closely before nodding slightly. "Yes master of course." 

I moved my attention back down to my legs. I was happy to see the bruises on them were nearly gone for good. They made me think of Hunter and I grew comfortable in my own skin. I wanted to ask what happened that day but I was slightly afraid of the answer. No one besides me and Ryker acted as if it even happened now. It felt better to have things back to normal but I still felt as if I had a shadow following me around wherever I went. Even if Ryker assured me Hunter was gone for good I still couldn't shake it.

The soft shifting of the doctor not far caused me to get pulled from my thoughts. Turning towards the bed I made my way back to it an sat down on it. The softness of it helping me and my thoughts smooth themselves. The doctor stood to carefully look over my leg again now that I stopped enough to let him. I still didn't know a lot about this man but if Ryker trusted him I did too.

"Alright that's the last bit I had to do for you today. Just make sure to not run around too much." He moved back to his things that set closest to the window. He packed up what he was done using and cleaned up any mess he made. 

Anna moved over to his side to help him and it made me smile. I was very happy she was back to herself, more or less. I was happy she was speaking to me again. The thought of losing her made my head hurt and I wasn't going to question why. She was my friend. 

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