.13 Bounce

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After a month of living in the magical world that Ryker built for me I noticed things were changing again. Each thing I was growing used to was changing around me. The red flowers I wake up to had turned into blue ones. The soft music that played in the library had changed into another melody. It was growing much warmer inside the walls and there seemed to be lit fireplaces all over. 

In between our lessons and hidden studying I asked about it and Zele simply said it was for winter. I didn't understand what he meant. The land we were on didn't get winter. Our nights got cold and our days hot only. Winter was not a season I was used to hearing about. Zele provided no further details on the matter and left me to my thoughts. Anna helped me with getting dressed and eating, I knew she would give me more insights.

Once she was with me alone in my room I faced her. She stopped her actions in brushing my hair to show me she was at attention. "Anna why is the house changing for winter? It doesn't snow here."

Anna seemed to perk up at my question, a small smile grow on her face as she walked around my chair and stood directly beside me. "Well no it doesn't snow here but Master Ryker loves the winter. He had a mission to do a few years back that involved him going to another part of the world to fight for some land. Of course he won the battle with his men. Before they set out on their journey to come back home by land it started to snow. He never saw it a day before that and fell in love with the white flakes. So every winter season in other places he sets the home up in a winter theme and mood."

I listened closely and nodded in understanding. That would explain a lot that's been going on. An idea stuck me and I looked at Anna with excitement. Without even knowing what I was going to say she was just as excited as me. "Well he's be here since right? He hasn't seen the snow since, and I think it would be fun if we all went to go see it. I've never saw snow before either. We can pack up you and Zele and take you along with us."

Before Anna could give her excited reply Zele made himself known. "I refuse to leave the grounds for that reason. My place is to protect this home no matter what." I slumped in my seat as me and Anna both turned to look towards the doorway where Zele stood. "But I'm sure Master Ryker would adore that idea. I shall prepare everything. Please do try to keep this a surprise for him." As he turned to walk away from the door me and Anna bother perked back up. 

We laughed together and cheered before starting to discuss what we should wear. Anna admitted she's seen snow before but she still wanted to get out of the large home for a bit. I was still enthusiastic for her to come with us. The hardest part would be trying to remember to keep this a secret from Ryker. 

As the day progressed and Ryker came back from his trip it became harder and harder to not spill. Plenty of times Anna had to fill my mouth with a pastry treat or cookie. I happily chewed and was happy she was around me. Though I could see I had slipped up enough times for Ryker to notice. 

He decided not to ask about our whispers and playful giggles. That was a relief on my part. He did however stick closer to me throughout the day. At the moment we were sitting in the living room. I had decided I wanted to draw here instead of the bedroom. Of course Ryker said he thought it would be nice to do paperwork in the same area as well. Anna had left my side to go do house chores but not before leaving me a stern look. 

I looked up from the endless lines on the paper before me to glance at Ryker. He was sitting in a single chair a few feet across the room from me. His brows were pushed together as he thought silently and read his work. He had many papers scattered across the wooden table between us that I still couldn't read. 

I started my learning with Zele in secret not long ago. My progress was slow but he said I was still doing good. He was a great teacher and made sure I understood every part he showed me. Letters looked weird.

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