.9 Shame

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We ate in silence simply because I couldn't keep the conversation afloat. Ryker asked me things that I didn't wish to discuss while my head was so full. As I chewed and glanced over at him I was surprised to find him watching me already. His food was nearly done yet he paid it no more mind as I was locked in his gaze.

"You didn't sleep." His words were a statement not a question. He knew, and wouldn't take lying. 

Anna who stood not far from me tilted her head slightly. I could see she was slightly interested to hear my response. I felt bad now, for not telling her the truth before. "I was waiting for you."

Ryker sat back in his seat as his stunning eyes looked at Zele for a moment before returning back to me. My own dark eyes turned back down to my plate of food. I was acting ashamed and it was hard to hide it. I didn't want to worry Ryker in any way. 

As the silence dragged on I didn't want to think of Ryker turning angry or annoyed with me. "Anna did help me-"

"She helped you, yet did not assure you were sleeping." Again it was another fact being stated. I looked at Ryker to see him looking down at his plate, soon after his eyes moved to Anna. I knew very well I was digging myself into a deeper hole so I placed my utensils down and sat up straight.

"It was my doing...after...Mr. Hall came suddenly I was...too frightened to sleep after." I glanced at Zele for just a moment yet he and Ryker caught it. My hands tightened down in my lap as I tried to relax. 

Ryker lifted his napkin that was in his lap to cover his food, showing he was done eating. Anna moved quickly to remove from the table. "Kia...I apologize for that, deeply. Zele assured me you were unharmed."

Nodding quickly I secretly hoped Anna would hurry back soon.  "Yes I am. Mr. Zele arrived quickly and helped."

Ryker was not one to be fooled. He was watching me, like he always did back in the private room. I felt open under his gaze with all of my thoughts bared to the world. "Go on Kia. Please say all that you wish." His tone was gentle. 

Lifting my hand to touch the raven necklace around my neck I turned my eyes to gaze into his. "I just don't understand...you and Zele wanted to kill John. Zele...he did kill him...in my room...it was so fast I heard nothing and there wasn't even a speck on the floor." Softly taking a inhale of air I calmed myself more. "How am I to stay here...when I am afraid of the people?" My words were soft yet very true.

I was afraid of Zele, even more so what he could do. I was afraid of Anna and the others, simply because I didn't know where they stood. Worst of all I was afraid of Ryker, he was the most powerful one in this home and he didn't seem to try to be. He was dangerous and as afraid as that made me I still wanted to be in his arms. I still wanted to be his only lover. 

Ryker watched me speak before slowly standing when I finished. He moved to walk around the table to me, causing me to grip the necklace tightly. His sharp eyes watched the action, as did Zele's. I swallowed thickly when the older butler turned to intercept Anna when she was arriving back. Zele and her spoke softly before leaving the room completely. I felt my heart start racing when I noticed Ryker was standing right beside me. Why did he take Anna? She was my safety net. 

"Kia..." My name fell from Ryker's lips softly. It seemed like he almost didn't say it at all. He reached out quickly to wrap his arms around my waist. Lifting me out of my chair, the sudden action pulled a shocked cry out of me. The hard cool table was felt under my bottom as he sat me down on it and moved between my legs. His body was so close I could feel his heat rushing over my own. My face was burning with a hot blush while I gazed into his eyes nervously. He placed one hand each on both of my thighs, his grip firm but not harsh. 

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