.11 Me

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How long did it take people to believe their life really did change? It feels like a dream so maybe a lot more time then a few days. I wish I could know when my head would wrap around this new world. These new feeling that kept growing were only making me more and more happy to wake up each day.

After our whole day of horseback riding I slept with Ryker in the shed he had the horses in. He wanted me to himself he said. He didn't care that a man like him should not be sleeping on hay with a man like me. He also didn't care to give his maids and butler a call back when they started looking for us after the sun fell. Only after Zele found us cuddled together in the dark did the calls stop. My cheeks were so warm from his knowing gaze. 

The next day I woke up to a day of boat riding planned out on a nice lake not far. I've never seen a lake so my reaction was close to a child's when excited. I almost ran straight into the lake before Ryker moved in front of me to catch me. He laughed and it lightened my heart to see him so happy. He rowed our little boat whiling pointing out the landmarks close by. I almost tipped our boat a few times from being unsteady and too excited but Ryker didn't get angry. He didn't yell at me or get upset. He only laughed and helped me sit back down.

I also learned his was allergic to fish. 

Today of all days might've been the best so far. I woke up to breakfast in bed by Ryker himself. He set the try on my nightstand before gently running his hands through my hair. It worked to wake me easily since it was his touch. Once I opened my eyes and smiled at him he gave me the softest kiss. I didn't know if I was still dreaming or not. 

"Kia....my love please eat." His spoke softly. As if me drifting back off to sleep was alright with him as well.

How could this man have led armies? How could he be a killer? 

Ryker leaned back a bit as I sat up. My black hair slid over my shoulder and forwards a bit. I groaned softly knowing I had a messy head of hair. Ryke seeing me this way was embarrassing. I just know I looked unattractive. 

My thoughts were pushed away as I felt large warm hands slide forward across my cheeks. I looked up at Ryker as he took his time to push some of my fallen hair back. "There you are. My beautiful diamond."

My heart started to race in my chest as my cheeks took on a new darker shade. I was left speechless as Ryker turned to move my food over my lap. I glanced down at the food and instantly raise my eyebrows in confusion. I would eat it because I'm thankful, but.....what was it?

Ryker watched me before he gave a awkward smile. It was the first time I saw him so childlike. "Yeah...I made you some eggs....and toast...and sausages....but I can't cook. So I mostly burned you some eggs, toast, and sausages."

I gazed at the plate before looking at Ryker. He was glancing off to the side. He seemed to be feeling awkward that he couldn't cook right. I wanted nothing more to jump towards him. To kiss his lips so deeply I would need air. I wanted to show him I was so happy my eyes were burning with the urge to cry. After my mother stopped cooking for me at young age I fed myself. The food from the brothel my sister were at was the only time someone had fed me again before I came here and Anna brought me my meals if I didn't beat her to getting them myself. 

Ryker had no idea how this made me feel. How happy I was just to see these burned pieces before me. They were from him....for me.

I looked back down at the food before starting to stuff my mouth full of the burned food. I didn't pause in between and I didn't hesitate to take large bites. The food was horrible but I didn't care, I kept eating. When Ryker noticed he tried to ease me to slow down and not force myself but I refused to listen. I didn't stop until every bite was done off the plate and swallowed. 

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