.3 Meet

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(What his outfit would look like. Pic up top.)


It was around 3am the next morning when the last man left and we closed up. I held a tired Pepper on my back as I made my way up to the fourth floor. Most of the girls were sleeping or cleaning. I was going to bathe after I set Pepper in her bed.


Peppers soft sleepy voice was adorable. "Yes Pepper?"

"Thanks for helping....."

I could tell she dozed off and I smiled. She was so helpful to me for my first day. I only spilled two drinks on my first day. I was thankful that all my little sisters helped me.

When I got to her room the others girls were already sleeping. I laid Pepper down beside Hanna and made my way back out. I closed their door and sighed as I remembered my coin pouch. I started for the stairs and looking for Master. When I reached the fifth floor it was so quiet. There was no sound, it is was so peaceful. I walked to the first door and knocked softly.

Masters voice carried out past the thin door. "Come in."

I slid the door open and entered. Master was sitting from his desk looking just as tired as me.

"Kia? What's wrong?"

I shook my head and took the pouch from my waist. "Nothing Master, the coins I earned tonight."

He took the pouch and emptied it. I watched him count it and was a bit worried I didn't make enough. Then Master smiled brightly and looked at me.

"You made 30 silver pieces over Kia. These are yours."

He handed me the 30 silver coins and I stood their shocked. He laughed at my expression as he put the rest up.

"The servers have to have a goal of 60 silver pieces. You made 90 in all today. The extra you make is your to do with as you please. Go get some rest, later will be another busy night."

He handed me my pouch back and I took it still, stuck on the silver. I have my own money? I've never had money to myself. Let alone 30 silver pieces. I turned to the door but stopped at Masters voice.

"Before I forget umm.....your clothes can be found in the cleaning area. Marry has them, she makes all the clothes."

I nodded and smiled at him as I left. I headed back down the steps looking at the silver in my pouch. I decided I would ask Marry if she had an extra one when I meet her.

I made my way to the fourth floor and started looking for the cleaning area. No one was up and I didn't want to wake anyone. I wandered around for a while until I saw steam flowing out of an open door. I knew it wasn't the bathes since they are on the other side of the building.

"Hello?" I called just to be sure they knew I was approaching.

A girl who was no older than me but still taller poked her head through the door. She had curly auburn hair with light brown eyes.


"Hi I'm Kia-"

She started squealing cutting me off and making me jump. She opened the door more and waved me forward. I followed after her as her disappeared inside.

"Puppy! I couldn't wait to meet you. I knew it was only a matter of time. When I heard we are getting a little brother I got so happy. Finally I could make something other than dresses."

I guess the nickname spread fast.

The room was covered in wet or drying clothes on one side. The other side was filled with clothing materials and fabrics. Marry herself was in a deep purple dress they made her hair shine. "I'm Marry and I love to clean. That's kinda why the Master put me here. I don't mind I get to do what I love!"

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