.18 Found (xxx)

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I watched Ryker, Anna, Zele, my home doctor, and a few other helpers float around my room. The doctor was speaking to Ryker by the window softly and Zele was standing beside my bed. Anna was avoiding my eyes as she stayed away from my reach to tidy up an already clean room. The room was tense and no one was actually speaking to me. No one but Zele actually spoke to me once I woke up.

Ryker had raced in and laid kisses all over me but not one word. His eyes were dark, clouded, and sad. He had been crying alot I could tell. It shocked me that Ryker would shed tears over me in such a way. He quickly turned his attention to the doctor once he entered. Not one word to me. No answers were given.

Anna only came in if another person did as well. She was no longer alone with me. She no longer seemed to be my hand maid either. Her eyes avoided mine but when she saw me awake I could see her eyes had filled with tears and she smiled while turning from me. I don't know why but she didn't want to be around me.

Casting my eyes down to sheets that were still over me. I jumped slightly as I noticed Zele had leaned down to my ear. "Time heals surface wounds Mr. Kia...but the wounds in a mind are far more deadly."

I glanced at Zele and saw he was glancing around the room. He was the only one I could tell was relaxed around me. It made me feel slightly better. A soft touch on my arm caused me to flinch and look over to my other side quickly. Ryker took his hand away and cleared his throat softly, it made me chest throb in pain.

"I'm sor-"

He cut my small voice off, likely not hearing it to start with. "You were taken from me for five days Kia. Once I found you it....it didn't look good. You had a head wound that caused you to sleep for a week straight. In that time I brought us home and have made sure you were alright as you slept." Ryker looked into my eyes before he looked away and then at the doctor. "This will be your home doctor until you're well enough. Please let him do his job without pause."

It wasn't direct but I knew what he meant by "pause". My flinching and jumping would surely get in the way soon. I gripped the sheets tightly before looking at the doctor. "Of course. Thank you."

The doctor smiled at me as he slipped his hands in his brown pants pockets. "My name is Dr. Shawn, please know your well being is my only interest while here."

I nodded at him and looked at his smile. I wanted to smile like that. I started to, my lips twitching to try and come up before falling back down. It used to be so easy before. I took my eyes off the smile and glanced at Ryker. I felt my heart skip as I noticed he was watching me. His sharp eyes seeing me try, and fail, to smile. When he took his eyes off me to walk to the other end of the room I felt my emotions swell up. I was going to cry. How embarrassing for a man to cry in front of so many.

"Everyone to the front entrance at this moment. It's time I talk to you all directly." Zele's voice was loud and sudden as he talked to the other workers. Did he do that for me?

I glanced up at the older man as he watched everyone but Ryker and the doctor leave. When he looked down at me my eyes were already filled with water. "Healing is the strongest power a human can have Mr. Kia. How you heal is completely up to you." He bowed at me and Ryker before leaving my chambers.

I turned my eyes back down to the sheets as my tears finally spilled over. After days in the hands of that brute I was finally able to relax and stop pretending to be so strong. It all hurt so badly. The wounds and the memories. The flashes and thoughts. The looks and hesitant touches. It all hurt.

Ryker stood at the end of the bed watching me. His face was unreadable as I sobbed the pain out from my heart. "Get out." I quickly lifted my head to look at him in surprise and fear. He tilted his head to look over at the doctor slowly. "Get...out."

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