.21 Still

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The soft breeze floating around pushed my hair in nearly every direction, causing it to dance to a silent song. Shutting my eyes to relax against it, the soft caress of Rykers hand made me smile. He gently pushed my hair back behind my ear as he sat close to me on the bench under a willow tree. The shade it provided was nice on this particular day. The sun was high and it was growing warmer out. I was starting to miss the snow but the bad memories with that made sure to keep my mind from wondering too far. 

The warm hand of Ryker once again caught my attention. "Kia...how does your arm feel?"

I rolled my shoulders after his words. The feeling of stiffness in the shoulder that was dislocated stood out. "Better than yesterday. Just some stiffness." I was able to move it around but it would take a few more days before it was perfect. 

I opened my eyes to gaze over at him. Taking in how serious, yet relaxed he was. "Do you think you need a personal-"

"No more personal anything Ryker. I'll be alright with what I have. Please just spend time with me. Can we talk about something else?" Lifting my good arm I moved my hand to touch his cheek gently.

His eyes grew warmer as he watched me before smiling and nodding. "Of course. I have business that needs me in the capital in two days..would you like to come?"

The capital? In the large city filled with unbelievable new age things? It was a place I used to dream about. My birth givers used to tell me I wasn't worth the penny it would take to go there. Entering the city is a large pay and you need approval before hand.

"That would cost-"

"Don't ever worry about the cost. Please." He spoke softly while tilting his head into my hand. 

I felt my cheeks heat at my silly words. He was a man with riches many times over. "I...would love to go." 

Ryker smiled softly at my words seeing I had accepted his offer to come. I was growing more exited but there was a limit to my mood. I kept thinking about her. Just who is she to him? He hasn't mentioned her once and I didn't want to ruin our day out together. It was beautiful and the sun was shinning down on us. So why do I have this hold keeping me from being joyful? 

After another moment passed between I glanced off to the far left. Anna and Zele stood side by side quietly waiting away from us. They looked like statues with the discipline of their stone bodies. I must have been looking too long, catching Anna's attention. Her eyes lifted to watch me and I quickly smiled at her to assure her I was fine. She gave me a small nod before going back to being stone like. I wish I had the strength to be like them. 

"I was thinking of  getting you a pet. Do you like cats? Or maybe birds?" The alluring voice of Ryker quickly made me look back at him.  

It was a sudden question that made me look at Ryker in confusion. "A pet? I do miss the animals on the farm but no...I don't think I would want one." I didn't want to seem ungrateful but a pet was a responsibility I didn't want to focus on. "Why a pet?"

Ryker moved his hands down to his lap as he looked ahead at the open land with a few spotted trees around. "I just wanted you to have a distraction."

"From what?" The words came out before I could catch them and with a slight attitude. The thought of that woman creeping back into my mind was something I tried to shove away. "Why would I want to be distracted from you?" 

I was sure he caught my attitude from the way his eyes moved back over onto me with focus. "Just from everything. Or how about another trip to go see your sisters?"

"I don't need or want a distraction Ryker." Going to see my sisters again did sound like a relaxing time. But my guard was up and my concern was growing. "I want to stay beside you. Am I crowding you?" Was he suggesting I find other things to be busy with so I could get away from him?  Was I being too clingy since he took me to bed? 

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