Awkward conversations with my ex?

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 We got to the next venue. I was wearing a You me at six shirt, josh’s gym shorts. 

I walked off the bus. straight into you me at six’s fans.. I kept walking they didn’t bother me..

I got on my bus grabbed clothes and than went to the venue and showered.

“Guess who’s a couple!”sam yelled as I walked back in our bus 

“uh who?”

“Us.”Allyson said walking up to Sam. 

Greg looked at me.So did Oliver. 

“Rules!”I yelled 

“No!”Sam yelled

“Sam,your dating a fellow member,we all live on this bus!”Greg yelled 

“So we have already..”Sam said 

“Sam,seriously?”I said

“Whats your issue?”Allyson asked 

“Nothing, I just think Sam should be more understanding.”

“Please its not like you haven’t ever had sex on our bus!”Sam yelled 

“well dear,I haven’t!”

“Really?you are such a liar.”Sam yelled 

“not when you people were on it!”

“Oh.”Sam said “so rule is no sex while you morons are here?”


“but we have already done that!”Sam yelled 

“Its Simple do it again,and you loose your dick!”I yelled 

“woha bitch much?”

“Fuck off!”I yelled 

“you Dawsons love to say that.”Allyson said laughing

“yeah,and can we please leave my brother out of this.”

“Wait are you two not talking?”

“Sorry Sarah.”sam said 

“You should be,you take everything far too fucking far!”

“how was The sixxers bus?”Greg asked 

“Nice,Josh and I stayed up all night talking.”

“Just talking?”Allyson asked 

“Yeah,we both had really rough and weird break ups.”

we went inside,it was a cute venue.

“Missy!”derek yelled at me 

“Um its Sarah.”


“Um,sorry dad?”

“Just kidding I approve,you and Josh are cute drama please.”

“Will do D.”

“good.”He said hugging me. I was sitting on stage. i like getting being on stage before everything starts its like bonding time with a venue... Yeah its strange but oh well. Josh walked out with food. 

“Thought you could use something.”He said sitting down with me 


“So, how weird is it that we have back to back tours together?”

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