Once I start I can't stop!

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“Wake up!‘Jeremy yelled as I fell off the sofa.

Everyone laughed 

“You okay?”Josh asked me as he looked at me sleepily 


We got off the bus. Josh and I walked towards my bus. it was weird cause we walked to my bunk and got in. we both fell asleep. we woke up when someone yelled at us. We got out of bed and went to soundcheck. 

“Joshie I tired.”I said leaning on him 

“Thats cause you wanted to talk all night.”Josh said 

“Oh right,me and my stupid lets get to know each other thing!”

“it was cute.”he said laughing at me 


we sound checked and right before the show this happened

“Sarah?.”Josh whispered backstage 


“I like you.”

“I like you too.”

“I don’t want to be in a relationship.”

“Me either.”I said 

‘So,we are just friends?”He said 

“Yeah. Unless you don’t want to be.”

“No I do.”I said “Can we still kiss and stuff?”


“Good,cause once I start I can’t stop.”

‘What are you a Pringles can?”Allyson said

“Once ya pop you can’t stop!”Sam said laughing.

We played. we have 2 more shows after tonight kind of sad. 

I played and chilled side stage until Mayday played Oh well Oh well. Josh and I went out and we did every other line. pretty sure all the bands were side stage now. this was the last song they played. It was crazy. You me at six went on after Mayday. I sat side for them too. 

“You are so into him.”Jake said laughing at me 

“Whats it to you.”

“Nothing,I find it cute.”

when the show was over we all hung out. the same happened the next day. we had a 3 day break between one show and our last.We toured around London. I was cozy with Josh... I loved every minute. The last show we had an interview. it was basic no drama and it was pretty nice. The show was insane. I made Derek sing a duet with me and than You me at Six ran out being total idiots. During Maydays. we kept unplugging guitars and turing off Derek’s microphone. When You me at Six played we threw condoms at them during Save it for the bedroom. Feathers from pillows also where everywhere due to the pillow fight cause everyone was in PJ’s! 

“Oh I love these people.”Josh Said smiling into the microphone during the last song The encore had already happened...

“Thank you all again goodnight!”Matt yelled 

The show was over and so was the tour. we all went to our hotel and partied. I made out with Josh for the entire thing. We flew home the next day. 

***Comment and vote? not many people have been commenting and I am starting to think no one likes this..

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