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We got to La. slept for 2 hours and than went to the studio and recorded for a little bit. than tour began.. boy was this tour wacky!

The first 3 shows were brilliant. Thanksgiving was spent with Every Avenue and We are the in crowd. in a hotel was loverly. 

We got to Florida. the kids were just as crazy as last time. I got drunk that night and made out with Dave from Every Avenue. 

“Damn.”I said after kissing him

“Come on Kissy.”Jordan said taking me away from Dave. Jordan was also wasted. 

“Jordie you pretty.”

“you’re gorgeous.”Drunk Jordan slurred 

I did something REAL stupid! I woke up the next morning next to Jordan

“Jord get up!‘Tay yelled 

“Hmm Five minutes.”

“JORDAN GET THE FUCK UP!‘Cameron yelled as I went under the pillow to find out I was completely nude.

“Jord,your girlfriend is almost here!”Rob yelled as Jordan woke up and saw me. 

“Guys, I need a minute.”

“Dude,we have all seen your boners before.”

“Um,yeah well,I slept in the nude.”

They all left. 

“FUCK!”Jordan yelled as he got up.

I got dressed really quickly. I ran off that bus.

“Dawson?”Hurley said as a tear ran down my face. I ran onto my bus 

“Who did you sleep with?”Sam asked 

“DAVE? Are you serious?”as I started to cry harder


“Who?”Greg asked as Jordan ran on and hugged me 

“You aren’t okay?”

‘no,you have a girlfriend.”

“sarah we were drunk.”

“That doesn’t fucking excuse it! Fuck I AM A WHORE!”

“no you aren’t.”

He held me as I cried and than Cam Hurley walked in with Jordan’s girlfriend. Jordan and I let go really quickly 

“Baby!”she yelled and Lunged at Jordan

“Hey Jess.”He said as she kissed him I felt so sick. I ran out of that bus. Allyson and Sam followed

“You slept with him?”Allyson asked 

“Don’t.”I said 

“Sarah he has a girlfriend.”Sam said 

“SHUT UP!”I yelled as Jess and Jordan walked off.


ParTay you slept with JORDAN? 

Me Why do you say that?

ParTay your Tour pass is on my bus.. 

Me Ohh.

Partay you feel like shit? 

Me Uh huh,tay I don’t even really remember it. 

Partay hope you used a condom! 

Me I remember doing that! 

Partay You need girl talk?”

Me you going to scold me like sam and ally?

ParTay I can see from here you are a wreck so no. 

Me I feel like I cheated on Alex..

ParTay you broke up! 

Me I know! but 2 months ago and I am acting like a fucking whore! 

“Just don’t be stupid again!”Allyson yelled

I walked into the venue. I was sitting in the corner watching the crews and band start to play. 


RiGuy can I officially confirm you are going to be my best man?

Me Yeah.. I am not walking with Ash tho! 

RiGuy I know! So hows tour? 

Me Good! 

RiGuy so hometown holiday is going to be fun!

Me Yup! 

“Hey.”Tay said sitting with me 

“Don’t lecture me.”

“I am not,please I was dating both Sam and Jack.”

“I know,I called you a whore.”

“Sarah,you and him are different.”

“I freaked when I woke up.”

“I bet.”

“Jess is a bitch.”Tay blurted out and Jess and Jordan walked in 

“Baby,why can’t we just go back to the buss?”She asked 

“Cause I have to do stuff.”Jordan snapped 

He was just as confused as me. 

She sat with me as Tay went up to him 

‘Great I have to sit with you!”she snapped 


Jordan <3 Hey, so I have no clue what to do? 

Me your call! I mean it was one time! 

Jordan <3 true! thanks <3 

Me no prob dude! 

When we played. I was totally on edge. I signed after for as long as I could bare. Than I hung out on my bus. The next day Jess left. we have like 5 shows left, Maryland, NJ,Philly,Boston, Chicago. Maryland was boring. Nothing happened. Philly I got wasted made out with Dave and slept with Jordan, the same thing kept happening after that too. 

Chicago Date which was December 15. Yesterday was Alex’s birthday it was weird tweeting and texting him but not calling him! 

***Vote and comment! please and thank you! 

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