Moving on

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I wrote a song when I went home hung out with people. it was a little weird no clue why though. Christmas was boring,new years was well interesting my new years kiss was a stage cause I tripped and kissed the floor. worst part about it was that I wasn’t even drunk. But thats what happens. lucky it was backstage not on the stage or it would have been really bad. but our new tour starts in a few days and Josh and I have been skyping for a couple weeks now and i can’t wait to see him! 

So before tour started I decided to go see bands I didn’t know. I decided to take up my old job at the Scene. I kind of miss that aspect of my life. the not being on stage and working behind the scenes. 

“Hey your Sarah Dawson.”a lead singer said as I tuned a guitar. he must have been like 17.


“Why are you working here?”
“This was my first Job and i was bored Okay?”

“I find that so stupid.”The kid said
“well someday when your band is signed you will miss being able to do what ever the fuck you like.”

“I bet you can’t even tune that guitar!”

I finished and played a note.He looked confused

“You tune your own guitars?”

“Yup,can you even play one?”
“Not yet.”
‘ should learn.”
“How’d you learn?”

“Classes,Actually here.”

“didn’t know they did that.”
‘They use to.”

I walked away. I wanted to cry.I missed Kasey so much. 

“Shitty!”cooper yelled 

“Hey Pooper!”

“Guess who’s band is going to play tonight!”


‘Yeah,dad finally sad yeah,you okay?”


“Miss my mom?”


I walked to the office where Jake was.

“Jake, I was think what if we re-start the music classes.”
“How do you think we go about doing that?”

“not sure but I can figure it out.”

“Well if you figure it out let me know.”Jake said smiling “Kasey would have been so happy if we started that again.”

“She taught me how to play,she even taught me how to sing.”
“What did I teach you?”Jake asked
“Lights,and management.”

Cooper walked in with Chase and Caroline. 

“Dad did you tell her yet?”Caroline asked
“Tell me what?”

“Kasey and I when we re-did the will when I die,the Scene is owned 6 ways.”


“My kids,You,Allyson and Amanda.”


“all equal owners.”Cooper said “whatcha think?”

“I think thats amazing but, I shouldn’t ever be allowed to own any piece of this place.”

“Sar you already do.”Jake said 


“Sarah remember when you started to help out on weekends?”Jake asked 

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