Highs and Lows....

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we were in Maryland. I had such weird emotions today. 

“You okay?”Sam asked when I woke up and got out of the van 



Damom Hi sweetie! can’t wait to see you later’

“Sarah whats wrong?”Allyson asked 

“regret.”I said as I watched Alex pull into the parking lot. my stomach did flip flops. I mean I love Josh.. but Alex is different.....

Josh walked off his bus and suddenly god nervous.

‘hey man.”Josh said to Alex 

“Hey.”He said “Sarah can we talk?”

“No.”I said 


“I have to do something.”I said and than ran inside. I grabbed my favorite guitar ran upstairs and locked myself in the studio.regret and than uncertain feeling on relationships was once again rushing through me. I love Josh or at least I think I do. Fuck do I even really understand Love.. All I know is it took me almost a year to tell Alex and barely a month to tell josh. there was a knock on the door and than it opened. Allyson walked in 

“Whats going on?”

“Nothing,needed to think,I locked the door.”

“Josh and Alex said you took off so I asked Jake for the key.”

‘Ah.”I said as I strummed a chord. 

“what you writing.”

“Its Called how do you know.” “its a song about questions with no answers.”


“Cause I have none and I am confused”


JackAllTimeLow Fuck yeah! I get to see the little sister today and her bitch best friend! ;) @AllysonBarakitty and @SarahDawesome

AllysonBarakitty Noo I have to see the annoyance that is @JackAllTimeLow.. This also means tour is over :(

JoshMeAtSix last day of tour! Maryland better be amazing! 

AllysonBarakitty uh oh Lead singer locked herself in a room and is writing.. Good for the band bad for Miss. Dawson

AlexAllTimLow @AllysonBarakitty what room? 

Allyson left and Alex walked in.

“Guess she left it open.”I said to Alex

“Yeah,Whats wrong?”

“I rushed something and now I am freaking.”

“What did you rush?”Alex asked 

“Shut the door.”


He did 

“I rushed my relationship and now I am not sure.”

“Rushed how?”

“few weeks in and I said I love you.”

“Wow,do you mean it?”

“Dunno,thus why I am freaking.”

“Maybe you should talk to Josh.”

he left. Shit Alex is mad.. Than Josh walked in.

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