Well you asked.....

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I woke up and Alex was asleep and holding me. I just stayed there. It was warm and His room was cold. He woke up about 15 minutes later.

“Sorry.”I said 

‘About coming over? Don’t mention it,I am glad we are still close.”


“By the way,You were talking in your sleep.”Alex said smirking 


“You kept talking about me and than you switched to Josh.”He said as he started to tickle me 

“Nice.”I said nervously and kind of lauging due to the tickleing 

“You really like him huh?”Alex asked

“I guess,I don’t know I am so confused.”

“Date him.”Alex said with no hestiation


‘I want you to be happy,try it out if it sucks,you come back to me.”

“Why you?”

‘Sarah,we love each other,I mean, why else do you think we keep ending up together.”

“I know.”I said on the verge of tears

“But we need a break.”


“Good.”Alex said as I kissed him

“One last time.”I said as my phone buzzed 


Dad family day two! head to Gram’s for her birthday! 

Me Oh right! I know dad I didn’t forget. 

“I have to go.”I said as Alex’s door got knocked on

“Sarah,we gotta go.”Rian said 

I got up and headed out with Rian and Cass. we drove to my house. Rian headed to Caroline’s. I was going with Benji and we were taking my car. My new car! I had sold my Mercedes last August for an Audi Q5. 

“So.”Benji said “you going to miss me on tour.”

“So much,can’t you just stay a roadie for life.”


“Benjamin there is no fucking way you could ever be a doctor.”

“Sarah,I am smart.”

“Yeah,but you get queasy easily.”

“No I don’t!”


“Sarah are you and Alex back together?”

“No why?”

“he tweeted about waking up to one of the most beautiful girls in the world and he kind of described you.”

“Nope,I did sleepover though.”

“Sarah you either need to be with him or not,its killing you i can tell.”


“Yeah, what made you finally figure that out,I don’t know lately you just seem so freaking interested in my issues and shit.”

“Yeah well you and your problems are a very interesting thing.”

“Ben be honest do you think I have a drinking problem.”

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