Lies... part 2

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“Sarah?”I said 

“wow.”She said “I thought we were fucking best friends,guess not.”

“I wanted to tell you but I knew you would over react.”

‘if I ever got drunkenly married in Vegas,id tell you more than likely you’d fucking be there,im glad to see you don’t care as much as i do.”

“Sarah stop.”Zack said as Alex looked at her. she was upset. 

“I wanted to but do you know how fucking hard it was to not tell you!” “Plus remember that one time you thought you were pregnant you told Sam not me!”

“Thats cause Allyson, she only goes to select people when she feels sick,you aren’t one of them.”Sam said 

“Shut the fuck up.”I snapped at Sam 

“Guess you are right.”Sarah said “maybe what we do subconsciously means that deep down inside we don’t care about each other,how about we get through this tour and pretend to be friends for our image in the band and other than that you and I aren’t friends.”

“you don’t mean that.”I said 

“Maybe I don’t but right now thats what I want.”

I knew she wasn’t really pissed,I knew she was hurt and as typical Sarah normally acts when she is hurt is cover it up by being angry.

“Sarah Stop!”I said as she got up and stormed out

“Give her a day she will come around.”Rian said as Jack looked at Alex 

“Jack go get her.”Alex said 

“Why Jack?”I asked 

“Cause,They have a bond right now,He is as mad as she is.”

“Oh please.”Zack said as Jack left 

“Why are they being such drama queens.”

“Fuck.”Rian said “Allyson, this is twice as bad as when I didn’t tell her i was engaged first.”

“why does everything revolve around her.”I asked as She and Jack walked in. with a crap ton of stuff. 

“Whats going on?”Zack asked 

“See the funny thing is you two are really really stupid.”Jack said “see when you two got married,we were all there.”

“Yup.”Sarah said “we were all just waiting for you to soberly tell us the news.”

“Why did you put me through that?”I yelled at her 

“well one it was fun and two you would do the same to me.”

We did shots than headed back to the busses. Zack and I called our parents and the rest of our families boy were they fucking pissed. 

“Well this should be interesting at the Maryland show.”Zack said as I crawled into his bunk with him. we had two more days till then. It was going to be interesting thats for sure 

     I wish this was how the night went.. but my life isn’t some easy fairytale where no one fights and everyone loves each other.. the real drama went more like this 

“you don’t mean that.”I said 

“Maybe I don’t but right now thats what I want.”

I knew she wasn’t really pissed,I knew she was hurt and as typical Sarah normally acts when she is hurt is cover it up by being angry.

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