Happy Valentines day Love

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So its February. Josh and  I have been together for like 3 weeks kinda. So its almost valentines Day. we are in Boston. So I have been staying on the You me six’s bus lately. we all woke up super late like it was bad how late we all strolled out of the bus walked into the green room. I was being given a piggy back ride when I heard that familiar annoying voice that is Adam Dawson. I was in the hallway 

“Josh put me down.”I said and than walked in

“Sis!”Adam yelled walking over and hugging me

“Hey Bro.”

Than Claire walked over and hugged me
“You look adorable.”She said to me 

I was in a you me at six shirt. skinnies and a cardi. 

“I don’t.”

“Did you shower today?”Riley asked

“where?”Adam asked
“I borrowed the sixies shower.”
“Did you shower alone.”Sam said as oliver tackled him 

‘Dude that shower fits one barely.”Sam said 

“so do you want to grab food?”Adam asked as I looked at Eric 

“May I?”

“Yeah,you aren’t sound checking with the band anyway.”


So I went out to eat with A and C.. we went to olive garden

“So.”Adam said 

“what can I get you?”The waitress asked 

I ordered Soup and Salad 

“Since when are you eating healthy?”Adam asked 

“I always get this.”I said as I watched two girls walk over 

“excuse me?”One of them said 

“Yeah?”Adam asked
“Question are you Sarah Dawson?”


“Okay,so there is a huge rumor going around that your dating Josh.”

“Josh?”I said 

“Franceschi.”One of the girls said 


“Yeah,its been all over twitter and tumblr.’
“Not true.”I said
“Oh well in one of them your kissing him.”

“Say what?”

the girl showed me the picture from last night.

“We aren’t dating.”

“Oh okay.”

They left. 

“Are you dating him?”
“Nope.”I said 

“we saw the pictures too.”Claire said 

“if I was I would say so.”

“you get sneaky when it comes to boyfriends.”

Joshieeee <3
Hey so apparently everyone thinks we are dating. I don’t want to confirm yet..

Me Agreed.. I like sneaky. 

Joshieeee <3 good ;) 

“I am not sneaky.”

“Sarah,I have met one of your boyfriends.”

“I haven’t had that many.”


“Name them.”

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