The answer.. he's been waiting for! :)

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“Well?”Alex said as I just stared at his face.

“Am I being punked?”


“Then why isn’t there a ring?”I asked 

“Oh I forgot that part.”He said with a laugh as he moved and leaned into me pulled his pillow up and grabbed something from behind me 

“I’ve never done this before.”He said as he took the box apart. It held a large diamond. 

“Sarah,I love you and honestly I never ever want to spend a day with out, Will you please do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Gaskarth?”

I just sat there as he held the ring.

“Yes.”I whispered 

“I Love you.’he said as he slipped the ring on my finger and kissed me. Than the curtain opened and Jack was standing there 

“So are we engaged!?”Jack yelled

“Yeah we are.”Alex said 

People ran on the bus. I suddenly felt really small. 

Everyone was congratulating us and I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. 

“Did the bus leave?”I whispered to Greg


“Im gonna go.”I said to him before I left. I ran into John in the parking lot

“Wifey?”he asked 

“Im scared.”I said crying before running into my bus.I was Hiding in an empty bunk. No one looked there. I slept awfully and the next day was a day off. we parked the bus and I got off. we were at a beach. I felt and looked like shit. i walked off the bus in a hoodie and sweat pants. its a hundred degrees so that wasn’t smart. 

“Oh thank god you are Alive!”Rian yelled hugging me as Alex looked at me 

Commitment has never ever sat well with me. Alex started walking over and than picked me up and carried me to Atl’s empty bus. 

“most girls would be fucking flipping out right now and you are hiding.”

“Im not most girls Alex! I am Fucking scared!”


“I don’t want you to hate me.”


‘I can’t do this!”I yelled

“Do what?”

“Marry You,I am not the marriage kind of girl!”I yelled as I watched him smile “Why are you smiling.”

“I fucked up.”


If he cheated im gonna die..

“I...”He said as I just slowly sat down “what are you doing?”

‘id rather be sitting down for this?”

“For what?”

“When you tell me what you did.”

“we never had the marriage talk.”

“Oh,well thats cause we weren’t together long.”I said “I thought you were gonna say you cheated.. I thought I was gonna die.”

“Sarah I have you,do you really think I need to cheat.”

“wouldn’t be the first time someones done that to me.”

“Sarah did your dad cheat on your mom?”

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