A birthday Flashback of sorts! :D

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**So I decided to be evil and not tell you what happens with Alex and Sarah just yet.. Plus its my besties b-day and I thought Id make a birthday special.. :) Seeing as Allyson’s character is inspired by my best friend.. 

*March 6th 2012* 

Early morning. Hotel room in Southern California 

“HAPPPY BITCH DAY!”Sarah and Amanda yelled waking me up 

“Seriously?” “Its like 11.”

“Dude your 21,Its a free fucking excuse to drink all day!”Sarah yelled jumping. 

“Oh Sarah you are to fucking excited for this..”Amanda said as Sarah fell off my bed. 

“Get the fuck out of my girlfriends room.”Zack yelled at Amanda.I looked down and I couldn’t find my other best friend.

“When did you get here?”I asked all excited 

“A little bit ago.”

“I missed you.”I said wrapping my arms around his neck.. 

“I missed you too.”He said leaning in and kissing me. “happy Birthday Baby.”

‘Thanks.”I said kissing him deeper. Than he pushed me back on the bed and his shirt flew off.
“Get the fuck off me!”I heard two voices under the bed yell 

“GET YOUR KNEE OUT OF MY FUCKING BALLS!”Someone yelled we both sat up and than Sarah,Alex,Jack and Rian moved from out from under my bed. Jack had his fingers in his ears and was gaging. Rian was holding his crotch and Alex and Sarah were dying with Laughter. Zack and I were glaring. Than Amanda walked in and than the annoying under bed assholes proceeded to scream happy birthday at me. 

“Guys can you get the fuck out Id like to Have  Birthday sex with my girlfriend.”Zack said as Jack looked horrified 

“Did you just tell me to get the fuck out because you want to sleep with my baby sister?”Jack asked 

“Yeah now leave.”Zack said all mad. No one moved. 

“Sarah whats so funny?”I asked my best friend who wouldn’t stop laughing 

“Nothing,I am gonna go.‘she said as her phone rang 

“Hello? SAMUEL! You better fucking be lying you asshole!” “SAM WHY WOULD YOU DELETE THAT DEMO?Haha not funny!”She yelled and than hung up on him. All laughter was gone,She was beyond pissed. 

“Sar you okay?”Zack asked
“Whoever told Sam to pretend my vocals on the last three tracks I did needs to die.”she yelled looking at Zack 

“How’d you know it was me.”Zack said 

“Sam is terrified of me,you did think he wouldn’t crack?”

“Sarah what was with the giggling?”Allyson asked 

“Irrelevant.”Sarah said as Alex picked her up 

“Enjoy your birthday sex.”Alex said to me as He Flipped my best friend over his shoulders.
“Byyyeeeee,Lex your ass is in my face you fart you dead.”Sarah said “Seriously ALEX YOU FART I SHOOT YOU!”She yelled 

“Leave...”Zack said
“nooooo.”Jack said as the door opened and in walked my parents. 

“Happy birthday!’my mom yelled as she walked over and hugged me 

“Byeee.”Amanda and Rian yelled as I heard Sarah from the next room yell “Alex stop, no lexxxieee.”
My parents and I went out for lunch..  Zack joined than, I took them to the studio. I was annoyed the boys were in their boxers drinking beer at 3 pm. 

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