A simple answer... ;)

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“Yes.”I said “I want to get back together...”I said

“Really?”He said all excited

“Never been so sure in my entire life.”

we just sat there. 

“good.”He said as he got up walked over to me. I stood up and kissed him. 

“Can we take it slow?”i asked 

“Sure.”He said 

Even though we had just sort of eaten we ordered room service. We talked almost all night until bus call or as I like to call get the fuck up so you can get on an airplane.We talked the entire airplane ride. we got off that airplane and went to the studio. 

I didn’t flirt with him in front of anyone.. wasn’t ready for the aww’s and the bashing that follows 


AlexAllTimeLow Studio with @5m2m.. 

SarahDawesome Time to get this album done! :D 

“You look awful.”Sam said as I grabbed a rockstar out of the fridge.. 

“Uh Thanks Samuel.”

“Where have you been?”Greg asked

“We have an interview in 5!”Oliver 

“Oh shit.”I said The interviewer walked in as I was sitting on floor in the writing room with Alex.

“Ready?”Sam asked walking in. Alex left.

Everyone got asked personally questions the second one for me was my relationship status. 

“Single.”I said

“Do you think your current status changing the sound or the mood of the album?”

“Nope.”I said 

“We all help write.”Sam said as my phone buzzed 


JackAttack question.. answer honestly are you two back together 

Your Man <3  Why?

JackAttack Rumors are spreading like wildfire.. 

Your Man <3 did you start them?

JackAttack NO!! why would I do that. 

Your Man <3 Sarah you in on this? 

Me  Ahem in interview.. :[ 

Your Man <3 Sorry! Jack leave her alone! 

JackAttack I wanna fucking know! 

“Do you all read fanfics about yourselfs?”The Interviewer asked 

“yeah some are amazing.”I said “I don’t like the slash or what not but there are some good ones.”

“Did you ever read the one about you and Jordan from WATiC?”

“Yeah, the funny thing about that one is Jordan and I read that together.”


‘Yeah,It was funny because thats how we really act when we are together.”

“Have you read the All Time Low ones?”

“Yeah we all have.”Sam said 

“how about the Knife.”

“no.”All of us said 


Jordan Hey.. in LA! whoop Whoop! 

Me I know! going to your show later! :D

Jordan you going to Hopless? 

Me Uh why?

Jordan we have a webchat.. 

Me No I have to record 

Jordan Noo D:

Me Why?

Jordan cause I need to see you! 

Me WHY??

Jordan cause your about to see a scandal and I am worried about you..

Me What kind of scandal?

“Sarah did you get the question?”Oliver asked 

Jordan Tay,Alex,you Jack.. 


“We asked how everything was going with the album.”

“Its great!”I said all fake my entire band looked at me.

“Wow...”Sam said 

We kept talking. I am so lost and confused and than everyones phone started going nuts after the interview was done. 

So here is the rumor. I apparently slept with Jack while he and Tay were dating. Than Tay slept with Alex and now they are talking and dating and I am pregnant with Jacks Baby. Oh and about to be kicked out of my band.


AlexAllTimeLow Rumors are flying! 

JackAllTimeLow wow.. according to you all I am going to be a dad.. now,I didn’t know I was pregnant! Dammit @AlexAllTimeLow

AlexAlltimelow @JackAlltimeLow I thought you were on a pill!


Sam5m2m @SarahDawesome what happened to no one comment! 

SarahDawesome (Twit Longer) I shouldn’t even let this bother me but it seems I am in a LOT of rumors so I will Address them.. I am not nor have I ever been pregnant.. I am not Sleeping with Jack Barakat Nor have I ever or WILL I EVER! he is like my brother and that shit don’t fly.. I would never ever sleep with someone while they were dating someone. I despise cheaters.. I would never ever cheat on someone.. I would also never sabotage a relationship of my best friends.. if you knew me you would know thatI am not that kind of girl.. now if I was getting kicked out of my band Id be bitching not sitting in the studio writing songs. I don’t mind your stories or rumors,I just don’t like when they get so out of hand that you trend things. just remember My parents/Grandparents look at this stuff and than I get angry phone calls from them asking whats going on. But thats all I have to say! 


We all went downstairs. to the actual studio. Alex was recording more vocals for our 3 tracks together. one is a secret song for my mommy.One is my bands song with him and the other is the 5m2m version of ATL’s single. ours is different lyrically. I think its cool. 

Can I just say when Alex sings my songs I want to jump his bones.. GOT DAMMIT here  I go again. 

After he finished we all left. Alex and I went to dinner and than went to our hotel room. I kind of forgot about the night out I was supposed to be spending with everyone.. oops!

Actually spending the night in with Alex was way better than going out any day. we were sitting in my room and than we crashed. I went to bed with a smile on my face, and the cutest guy ever's arm around my waste. ;)

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