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Alex and I woke up had room service and well tweeted our big news. 


AlexAllTimeLow So @SarahDawesome and I have a BIG Announcement! we are officially engaged! 

“Its official.”Alex said kissing my cheek 


AllyKat Yay! you and lex are official! :) 

Me Haha yes!

We went and hung out with our friends. 

“Sarah you seem calm.”Allyson joked 

“Thanks.”I said as I sipped my tea 

“Fall tour talk time.”My band,The summer set, Watic and ATL said 

“Wait are we all touring together?”

“YES!”Tay yelled 

“Alrighty then.”I said “but why do we always tour together shouldnt we be nice and try to tour with other people?”

“No,this is a big year and we want everyone together.”Alex said all excited

‘Technically this was going to be the hopeless friends tour.”Tay said 

“But well we wanted to tour too.”John said “Plus playing with ATL is nuts.”

‘True.”I said as Brian smiled

“Plus Sarah you get to spend lots of time with Steffy, Whiskey,Old Man, Jeffy and Your hubby.”

I laughed “Jeez I haven’t called Stephen Steffy in a long time.”

Jess and stephen were laughing too. 

“We’ve had some good times.”Josh laughed 

“Yes oldie we have.”I said as Everyone around me laughed some more 

I took a sip of my iced tea 


RiGuy congrats on officially announcing your news! 

Me Thanks! have fun on your honeymoon! 

RiGuy will do! 

We went back to hotel packed up and went home. 

“Sarah when do you want to get married?”Alex asked that night when we were sitting on his deck 

“I want a fall wedding.”

“So next fall?”He asked “Or this fall?”

“not sure either could work.”

“Next fall.”


“Because I don’t want to rush it plus I want an amazing honeymoon we have tour plans and that would fuck it up.”


“There isn’t a reason you want to get married soon is there?”

“Like what?”

“You aren’t preggo are you?”

‘No,Alex im drinking a beer.”

‘Im just checking.”he said nervously “I thought maybe you and Allyson had like a pregnancy pack or some fucking shit?”

“Yeah No.”

“Good,as Much as I want kids I don’t think we are ready for that yet.”

“Yeah we fucking aren’t.”

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