A wedding :)

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A few weeks later we were in Florida for the wedding of my Big Brother and Cassadee. Lets just say I wasn’t exactly a happy camper.

“What is your fucking problem!”Alex yelled as we got of the plane in Florida 

“Shut up.”I said as we got to the actual Airport part.

“Sarah?”He yelled again causing people to look at us as Rian walked over

“Just stop please.”I said as Rian walked over with cass. I spotted The Summer Set. John spotted me and waved

“Hey!”Cass yelled as she walked over. 

They hugged Alex and I just stood there 

“Whats with the Im in a shit mood?”

“she wont tell me.”Alex said “She’s been like this for fucking days.”

“Sar everything okay?”Cass asked 

I just walked towards luggage 

Truth be told I was not okay,We had major band stuff going on and I was freaking. 

We grabbed the luggage and headed for the hotel.The second we got settled my phone was ringing 


“Hey,So we have to make this decision now.”Sam said as I sat down on the bed 

“Sar I know its hard but we need to.”Oliver said

“I really don’t want to make this fucking announcement,I don’t want to say this!”

“Sarah we have to.”Greg said “trust me I don’t want to admit that she is out but Damn it she is!”



Hey Guys...

So I know you all want to know whats going on with 5m2m. there has been a lot of rumors going on about our status of a band. we would like you to know that we ARE STILL a band.. however Allyson Barakat has to leave the band for health reasons. She will always be a member of this band and will be deeply missed by us all. 

Love 5m2m 

I hated reading it when the post when up, even more I hated what they were saying in the comments. the door to the room opened and in walked Alex and my siblings.


Greggyyyy these fucking bitches make me fucking MADDDD! 

They all sat down and started talking to me 

I read this comment 

Sarah Frost I am so happy that fucking bitch is gone! I hope you die! 

my phone rang 


“Hey.”She said 

“I hate this.”

“I know,so do I.”She said

“I don’t want to do this without you.”

“I physically can’t do this Sar and I know change freaks you out,Ill see you tomorrow.”

“Its not that it freaks you out.”

‘oh really? than why is everyone tweeting about that you are in a bad mood and been secretive,we both know thats how you get when you freak.”

“Do not.”

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