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I woke up and Alex was on the phone. Mine was buzzing 


“Sarah why aren’t you at the studio?”Oliver asked

‘cause I was sleepy.”

“Can you wake the fuck up we have shit to do..”

“Olly I feel like crap.”I said coughing. 

“Liar get the fuck up.”

“Fine be there as soon as I can.”

“Don’t make me come get you!”Oliver yelled

“olly we both know that I am meaner than you and you would die.”

“Sarah GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE!”Oliver yelled

I hung up and sat up 

“Morning baby.”Alex said hanging up his phone call.

“Morning,don’t call me baby.”I said as Alex sat down on the bed next to me. 

“Well your my girlfriend and I will call you what ever I want.”

My phone buzzed 

Jordan So watch the clips of my interview on Stickam.... 

Me Okay? Why?

Jordan questions about chu...

Me Ohhhhh.. kkkkk

I grabbed my laptop and searched tumblr.. 

I watched the one labeled Love....

“Questions for Jordan?”Tay asked 

“Wow Lots of Sarah questions.”

“Give me one.”Jordan said

“How long did you date?”

“if you count up all our little flings and shit like a year.”

“Did you love her?”Tay asked 

“Yeah,still do.”Jordan said 

“Are you single?”

‘Yeah.”Jordan said 

than it was ended there was a shit ton of notes..

“Everyone loves to know about musician's love life's.”Alex said

“Hows your album coming?”

“its Amazing.”He said smiling “You proud of yours?”

“yeah,I mean its strange,my band and I are on the same page for once,every thing seems totally normal and perfect.”

“Even family drama?”

“Hasn’t been any.”

“Really? none?’

“I know a little weird right.”

My phone rang

“Oliver I am on my way!”I yelled 

“Sarah,did you forget to do something?”My dad’s voice said

“Not that I know of?”

“You sure?”


“Do you remember me saying that we were flying out to see you?”My Dad said all weird


“Seriously? Sarah!”Hannah yelled 

“Well We are at the airport.”

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