Day 2 In Casper High

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Chapter 7

     Being Danny Phantom and Danny Fenten is hard. I totally forgot it was Monday. I woke up late and quickly got ready making my room a mess in the process. At the moment I didn't care. I rushed to school the realized I had ghost powers so I flew. I was just on time with 5 minutes to spare. I saw Sam and Tucker under a tree trying to beat the heat. I was going to head towards them until I saw Dash and (y/n) right in front of the school building. (y/n) looked like she was on the brink of tears and Dash kept pointing and laughing and being obnoxious as usual. I could feel myself get hot in rage and it wasn't because I was in the sun. I stomped over there and just dragged (y/n) away. Dash was too busy laughing to notice.
"Are you okay?" I asked (y/n). She wiped away a few stray tears and nodded.
"Why do you let yourself get bullied? You gotta stand up for yourself once in a while." All I got from her was a head shake. I noticed she had a bruise on her cheek. At first I thought Dash had hit her but then I remembered that was the same place Love got hit yesterday.
"What happened on your cheek?"
"I hit myself against a door." The bell rang signaling students to get to class. We started walking and sat right next to each other in class.

     During class, I was quiet and when I turned to see (y/n), I saw she was trying her hardest to stay awake. Her head would droop and she would doze off for a while before lifting her head back up. Finally she gave in to sleep. She looked so calm and adorable when she slept. That was probably one of the best things I like about her.... WAIT WHAT!? I mean I don't like her... I mean as a friend! 
"Ms. (l/n), I would like for you to stay awake in my class."
"Well," she grumbled," if you made it fun I wouldn't be sleeping. Besides I know about all this Greek myths."
"Would you like to demonstrate what you mean and understand?" (y/n) got up and spoke with a voice that was cheerful. She would do things to make the class actually listen. For example, she acted out the Greek myth of Hephaestus, god of fire and blacksmiths. It was intriguing, by the time she was finished with her story the bell had rang and nobody moved a muscle to get to their next class. They loved the stories (y/n) would tell about this topic. Even Mr. Lancer was mesmerized by the tales. After class, I walked with her to her locker and asked how she knew so much and in great detail.
"I'm in love with myths. Norse myths, Egyptian myths, Greek myths, et cetera. I can never stop talking about it." We made our way to our next class and the way she lit up when she talked about myths, it made her seem not as shy as she usually was. I always thought love was something you feel when you a pretty girl but it's not. Love is when you have this unforgettable feeling about someone special. It like a sense of affection and protection. You just want to keep that special someone safe and just hold her in your arms forever. That's how I feel for (y/n). I love her.  

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