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Chapter 14

     I had no idea if this was a good idea, but (y/n) is my girlfriend and I need to help her. We waited until after school to go to Vlad's place that way we wouldn't get into any trouble. (y/n) was so anxious her knee bounced as she counted down the time until we could resolve the problem.

     Finally the last bell rang. I waited for (y/n) at the front of the school for a while and she finally came out the doors. Her head looking down at the pavement as she walked towards me.

"There you are! I've been waiting forever!" I said. I took her hand and gently tried to lead her somewhere private so I could transform. She didn't budge. "Hey, what's wrong?" (y/n) muttered something under her breath. I couldn't hear what she said but it sounded like 'flea song'.

"'Flea Song'? Is that like a song you like or something?"

"She's gone, Danny!" (y/n) then shouted. She looked at me with anger and sadness. Tears streamed down her soft cheeks. I wiped them away with my thumb and promised her that we'd get her back. I hid behind a tree and transformed. (y/n) wrapped her arms around my sides but she seemed lifeless. 

     We took off to the sky hiding in the clouds. I thought I'd be able to cheer her up with the view, but she was really depressed about Love having disappeared from her. I wondered how it happened.  After a while of silently staring into the orangey-pink clouds I broke the silence by asking a question.

"How did you say you became a halfa?"

"When my mom died, I felt like there was something missing in my life-- a hole in my heart. I first realized my powers one day when I was moving away for the first time. My dad said he couldn't live in that house anymore. I was so sad and angry at him for making me leave my hometown that I heard something in my head telling me to tell him off. It wasn't my own voice, but I listened to it anyway.

     "I told my dad off and suddenly my arm turns invisible and I was floating in thin air. My dad freaked out and called everyone. A priest, doctors, scientists. They came and tried everything. Nothing worked. My dad then got me therapy for a few years after we moved and the doctors prescribed me medication for the 'voice in my head' as if it was a bad thing. Sometimes she did cause trouble. Time skip forward and here we are. My dad still tries to find a cure. As if there was one." (y/n) scoffed. I stood quiet astounded by her story. Finally we were here.

     "Daniel! What are you doing here?"

"Look, Vlad, I know we're enemies and whatever, but I need your help. You're the only person I know that isn't stupid or obsessed with hunting ghosts. This is my girlfriend..."

"You have a girlfriend!?" Vlad laughed and mocked.

"Something's wrong with her."

"Care to elaborate?" he said.

"My ghost half was it's own person... er, ghost... We were separate entities." (y/n) started to explain.

"'Was'? 'Were'? So you no longer have your ghost half?" (y/n) nodded in response. "Tell me everything and I'll see what I can do." (y/n) told him everything. She told him about her mom dying and how she felt like she was missing something in her life. She spoke about her other half. She spoke about meeting me and what had happened during school then finally concluded with us coming here. Vlad was silent for a minute. He sat on his enormous chair thinking about everything that was said very carefully. 

"This is very peculiar. But I do think that I may have the answer. You said that you felt like there was something missing in your life, what was it?" he asked.

"Love, I guess. My mom wasn't there to give me love and my dad just thought of me as a freak and was scared of me."

"Good. But then you met Daniel. What has he provided for you?"

"Love." It was so clear to us now. (y/n)'s ghost form was vanishing because of me. The only reason why she had her ghost form was because she was missing a piece in her life that she could barely live without. She was half-dead. And I stepped in and fell for her. I gave her the love she needed and wanted most of her life and because of that, Love is gone.

     (y/n) faced me sadly and I met her gaze with surprise and guilt. Before we could say or do anything, Vlad literally pushed us out the door and told us to never come back as he slammed the door right behind us. Without another word, I took (y/n) home. When we were back at Amity Park, I took (y/n) all the way to her doorstep. I stayed with her for a while and kept asking if she was ok. The replies were always the same, "I'm fine." I apologized for causing this and asked if she considered giving me up to have Love back.

"You're demented. Danny, I love you. I don't care that I don't have my ghost side. Sure, I'm going to miss all the perks, but I'd rather be with you than live without knowing love. Besides, when I tell my dad, he'll finally stop making me feel like a freak."

"You were never a freak. You were just misunderstood, like most teenagers. It's very common in these days." I chuckled. (y/n) smiled and kissed my cheek. It was late and I needed to get home. I said my goodbye's and headed to a bed I was all too familiar with.

     After Danny had left, you leaned your back against a wall and slid down until you sat. You hugged your knees and buried your face in them. Tears rolled off your cheeks. "I'm free." You said to yourself. "I'm free at last." You laughed happily as you cried. Now that Love was gone, you could finally be happy. Truly happy. There would be no one to tell you that you were weak or to get you into trouble. "Thank you, Danny." Of course you'd miss her and all, but you weren't happy with her. At least now you'll be happy and loved.

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