Ghost Girl

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     You were in so much pain almost every hour of the night. Doctors gave you bigger dosages of morphine to ease the pain. You barely got a wink of sleep due to the pain and you were starting to get uncomfortable from laying on your stomach for way too long. At one point you thought you could hear your ghost half in the back of your mind teling you to get out of the hospital bed and stop being so weak. You knew better than to listen. You found yourself attempting to get up without even knowing it. It hurt, but, for some odd reason, you pressed on. 

You made it out of your bed and headed for the restroom provided in that room. You splashed water on your face and stood there gripping onto the sink and thinking if what you heard was real. Suddenly, your hand went straight through the sinkand made you lose your balance. No doubt, what you heard was real. 

"Hey, Love." you whispered to yourself with a smirk on your face as you felt the mischievous ghost half taking some control over you.

     You were no longer in any pain, so you put your clothes on (brought to you by your father during your one-week sleep). You dropped the hospital gown on the floor. 

"Let's go for a flight around town." you say. You were pretty happy that you had Love again, but somewhat concerned and curious. You transformed and turned intangible to get out the building. You missed the wind rushing through your hair and the cold breeze giving you small chills.  You saw Danny walking home and decided to surprise him. You hid in the shadows as you watched his ghost sense go off. He transformed and got into a fighting stance as he looked around.

"Danny, it's me." You say. You step out of the shadows and reveal yourself to him. He was astonished to see you. 

"But... I... You... Huh?" he stuttered, trying to make sense of what was happening. All he could do was give you a hug. You-- well, Love-- shoved him off. 

"Is it still that half personality thing?" he asked a bit annoyed.

"Yeah, it is. She was in pain, they doubled her morphine, I made her get up and now we're here." You say. 

"I want to talk to her." Danny said. Love groaned and let you have your body back. The first thing you did was hug Danny. You hugged him tight afraid of letting go. Danny kissed the top of your head. He went back to his human form, never letting you go. You stood there for a while and after pulling apart, you suggest you both get home. 

"Let's go to your place this time." Danny said. You nodded as you both went walking to your home. You took your time walking hand-in-hand with the boy you love.

     Once inside you tell Danny to wait for you in your room, while you did something very important. Your dad was most likely asleep, so you both would have to keep very quiet. As Danny went to your room, you grabbed all the meds that "helped" with your ghost problem and threw them down the sink. Dusting your hands, you smiled. You grabbed the telephone and called the pizzaria that was always opened. You ordered two large pizzas with (favorite toppings) then proceded to go upstairs. Danny seemed a little confused when you got up there. Your room was a bit different than when he first saw it.

     You room was neat and tidy, still blue, and your book shelf was still there. The only thing that was different was what was on your laptop. That diary you had was gone completely and instead of carpet, you had a tiled floor. You tried to explain to Danny the complex explaination of how your room changed.

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