Sunday Night Alone

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Chapter 4

     Sunday morning, you woke up feeling bad about what happened the day before. You wanted to tell him that you were sorry, but you didn't know where he hangs out or where he lives. You decided to clear your head and take a stroll through Amity Park as Love. You transformed feeling your confidence grow and your attitude worsen as you became the bad girl. You jumped out you window and took off to the skies going who knows where.

     I went home after what happened with (y/n). She must be really mad at me. Even worse I ditched my friends to be with a girl. Ugh! Everyone must hate me now. I was walking by the park when my ghost sense was triggered. I looked up to see a ghost girl. I made sure no one was around before I transformed to Danny Phantom, then I followed after the ghost. As I got closer, I realized it was Love.
"Love?" I questioned. The ghost girl stopped and turned to me and what I saw I couldn't believe. Was this tough girl... crying?
"What do you want Phantom?" she said wiping any visible tears.
"A-are you ok?"
"What's it to you?"
"I'm just trying to be nice."
"Well, go be nice somewhere else. I want to be alone." she said choking back tears.
"I doubt that. Come on, let's talk at my place." I offered. Love turned her head away for a moment but then nodded. I lead her back to my place to find the ghost shield was up.
"You can't get in as a ghost," I explained," This is a ghost shield and--"
"I know what it is, stupid." Love said before I could finish my sentence. Love refused to change into her human self. I promised that I wouldn't tell a single person but she still refused. Finally we came to an agreement that I would turn off the ghost shield and let her in then maybe she would tell me who she really is. I went in and turned off the ghost shield. I went into my room and fond Love laying on my bed.
"I love your bed it's so cozy." she said as she got comfortable.
"Are you going to hold up your end of the deal?" I asked a bit annoyed that she took over my bed.
"I said maybe I'll show. Never said I will, but maybe in the future." she stuck her tongue out at me and pulled my blanket over herself. I sat on my bed next to Love.
"So," I started,"why were you crying?"
"Something happened the other day that my wimpy human self found rather sad. She wanted to think and clear her head and apologize but she doesn't know how."
"Why are you talking like your two halves are different people?"
"Cause we sort of are. We don't act the like the same people. She's shy, I'm obviously not."
"Weird, that doesn't happen with me."
"Yeah, well, not everyone is like you." Love rubbed her eyes and turned her back to me. She said nothing for a while and neither did I.
"Will you tell me who you really are now?" I asked. I know I shouldn't have asked but I was really curious. Love sighed and whispered, "No."

     The afternoon was spent in my room, sitting on my bed as Love got comfortable and slept. I had to make sure nobody barged into my room, especially my parents. If they saw Love, she would be in big trouble. Later that day Sam and Tucker came to talk. They looked a bit mad and why shouldn't they? I ditched them and spent time with some girl I just met when I was going to hang out at a concert with my two best friends.
"Hey, Danny, what happen to coming with us to the Humpty Dumpty concert?" Sam asked as they entered me room. I put my finger to my mouth signaling to keep it down. I then pointed at Love who was still sleeping on my bed. Sam and Tucker gasped and walked towards her. I panicked a bit.
"No guys, I don't think that's a good idea." I whispered to them. They ignored me and started staring at her. I felt weird as they did.
"Wow, Danny," Tucker said in a louder voice, "she is pretty. Do you know if she's like you?"
"She is half ghost but I don't have any clue who she is. She promised that she would tell me soon though." I whispered. Love turned her sleepy body a little and sighed. She mumbled things in her sleep like how (y/n) did.
"What is she saying?" Sam asked. I shrugged and laid down on my bed making sure to keep my distance from Love. Sam and Tucker looked at me as if they thought I liked her.
"Guys, this is my bed. I could lay on it if I want." Sam, Tucker, and I talked as I explained what had happen on Friday and Saturday. Since the bed was full, they had to sit on the floor. Sam gave me the work for Friday's class as did Tucker. I copied and completed all that I needed to do then mine and Love's ghost sense was triggered at the same time.

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