Ghost Zone

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Chapter 10

     You needed to forget about Danny. And when you need to forget someone or something you go see someone in the ghost zone. Funny thing is, your portal is jacked up so you have to use Danny's. Ok, simple plan. Get in, get in the portal, and later get out. You changed form and flew the Fenton's home and slipped in the ghost portal.
"So far so good." you said to yourself, soon being knocked down by a blast of pink energy.
"Well look who's here." she said rather evilly.
"Ember. You wanna start something?" She didn't reply. She hit you again with a pink wave of energy from playing a chord on her guitar. You fell to the ground. You blasted her with your ghost ray and missed by a millimeter. You need to work on your aim. Ember now stood in front of you. Ready to play another chord to destroy you.
"Oh, Love, it's great to see you again." Ember helped you up and you both laughed it off. "You need to work on your aim."
"That's what I just thought!" You both laughed again.
"So what's on your mind?"
"Its this boy. Human me likes him a-and he likes me. I could are less about him to be honest. But she's confused. She felt bad that she was stealing him from his two best friends so, she told him to stay away. It's hard for her to stay away and I have to overshadow her to keep her away."
"Wait, you can overshadow yourself? That's possible?"
"I guess. I mean I didn't know it was possible until I tried." You took her guitar and made sure it was set to music and not anything else. You played the one and only song that she taught you. It was a cool song too. Ember wrote it.
"Well, if you- or the human you- likes him, then be with him. Include his friends too though." It seemed like the perfect answer.
"Thanks Ember. How do you know so much about relationships?"
"I was alive once too you know."
"Right." You hugged and said your goodbyes. You headed for the portal and saw it was closing. You flew faster. You didn't think you were going to make it. No. No. No! The portal shut before you could get there. This is bad. You couldn't get out. You're trapped. "Danny."

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