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When they entered, most peoples conversations quietened and people looked at them, but that did not seem to faze Lexa nor Clarke. After they collected their food, Lexa followed Clarke to where she wanted to eat. Once the brunette realised that they were heading to a table of people that mainly consisted of the hundred she whispered to Clarke, "I dont think your friends will appreciate my presence, Clarke."

"It will be fine, we have to prove that they can trust you. Its the only way that the alliance is going to work," Clarke explained, before she added, "Plus, its only fitting that I introduce my girlfriend to my friends."

"Girlfriend?" Lexa inquired, unaware of the meaning of the skaikru word.

"I dont know what the word for it is in your language, but it means that we are together romantically but not married."

"Oh I see," Lexa smiled,  she was now Clarkes girlfriend. "Are you my girlfriend too Clarke?"

"I am." Clarke replied, smiling back as they approached Clarkes friends table. 

"Clarke!" Bellamy greeted with a smile, "Come sit with us." He then turned to face Lexa, the smile falling from his face, "you are welcome to sit too, Commander," he invited her reluctantly.

The girls sat down next to each other opposite Bellamy, Raven, Octavia and Lincoln with Monty, Harper, Monroe sitting next to them and a few other members of the ark. Clarke noticed that Jasper was still missing, she was flooded with a wave of guilt because she was the reason he was no longer happy.

"So," Raven started, "care to fill us in on what you have been doing since you left and how you ended up with the person that left us all to die?"

Clarke tried to ignore the jab at Lexa and told them what happened much in the same way that she did to her mother.

"Why was Clarkes life all of a sudden important to you?" Octavia interrogated the commander, "You didnt have a problem leaving her to die once, what changed?"

If Octavias harsh words effected Lexa, it didnt show. She answered her calmly "You had just under 50 of your people in the mountain, correct?" They all nodded, so the commander continued, "Well in the time that we were waiting for the door to open, I had already lost twice as many people. There were thousands of my people being drained of blood in the mountain and I had a chance to free them without anymore blood shed. As a leader I could not have turned down the mountains offer." She let her words sink in before proceeding, "This does not mean that I wanted to make the decision, but my life has to be devoted to my people. I know that it will take time for me to earn your trust if that is even possible, but I know that your people joining the coalition would benefit both our people greatly as I stated in the council meeting."

"It should work as long as you dont put us on a tree for something that we didnt do," Raven retorted.

Lexa remained impassive despite Ravens comment. She turned to the blonde as she said, "As it is clear your friends do not wish for me to be present, I am going to head back to my room. Enjoy the rest of your night Clarke." With that, Lexa stood up and left the dining hall.

"Raven," Clarke pleaded, "you cant do that. You know that we would have done the same thing to her people had it have been us that was offered the deal. If we are going to live in peace you need to start to accept the decisions that the Commander has made. She is respectful to towards us even though we are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of her people. You need to start to do the same."

"I agree with Clarke," Monty spoke up, "if we do not make this alliance work, all the lives we have lost and taken will have been for nothing. It is clear the Commander did not like having to leave us at the Mountain, she obviously cares about Clarke a lot, but it is what had to be done."

Clarke nodded to her friend giving him a small smile. Monty had always been very understanding and accepting, hopefully it could rub off onto her other friends. She noticed Bellamy, Lincoln, Octavia and even Raven nod or hum in acknowledgement of Montys argument.

Clarke stood up to leave, "I am going to make sure Lexa understands that we all need this alliance and that everyone just needs time to readjust."

Clarke made her way to Lexas room knocking on the door. When Lexa didnt immediately answer she got worried and she was about to go looking for her, but the commander called out, "who is it?"

"Its Clarke," she answered relieved that Lexa was okay.

"Come in, Clarke," when Clarke entered. The sight of Lexa made her heart stop. Lexa was the most beautiful thing that she had ever seen. She had damp hair hanging in loose curls over one shoulder and she was only wearing a towel wrapped around her chest that only went down about a quarter of her thigh. Clarke looked the brunette up and down committing the sight to memory. She took in her long tanned legs and the tattoo on her toned bicep before Lexa interrupted her with a smirk, "You are staring, Clarke."

The blondes cheeks flushed bright red and she quietly turned so her back was facing the Commander. She muttered, "sorry." Clarke heard Lexas towel drop and felt the brunettes hands move her hair over to one shoulder exposing her neck. Lexa snaked her arms around Clarkes waist and she leaned back into the girl behind her. She felt Lexas naked frame press up against her back and she gulped. Lexa sucked at Clarkes pulse point purposefully which made Clarke moan in approval. The brunette made her way up to Clarkes ear taking the lobe in her mouth and sucking it. Lexa whispered with hot breathe, her lips lightly brushing against the blondes ear, "Is this okay?"

Clarke found herself unable to speak, Lexa did not make any further moves until she got Clarkes consent. "...More than okay..." the blonde got out breathlessly. She turned around in Lexas arms, cupping the back of Lexas neck with her left hand drawing her in for a heated kiss. Clarke scraped her teeth across the brunettes bottom lip and Lexa moaned into her mouth. Lexa darted her tongue out seeking entrance which was gladly granted.

Clarke guided them over towards the bed. When Lexas knees hit the edge of the bed she sat down on the edge and Clarke straddled her lap. Clarke took in Lexas toned stomach and the small but perfect swells of her breasts before looking her in the eyes then capturing her lips in a tender kiss. "You are beautiful, Lexa." Clarke stated as if it was the most obvious fact in the world. After a few short moments the kiss turned more heated again and Clarke rolled he hips down onto Lexa which earned a loud satisfied moan from the brunette.

Clarke felt Lexas hands under the hem of her shirt and what was happening hit her all of a sudden, the girl that she was most definitely falling for was naked, her perfect body fully exposed under her, kissing her senseless. All of a sudden Clarke felt incredibly nervous, Lexa sensed this and brought her hands up to cup the blondes cheeks tilting her chin down so they were looking each other in the eyes. "Hey, we dont have to do anything if you dont want to. I never want to feel uncomfortable in a situation like this." Lexa said truthfully. Clarke knew that if she said she did not want to do anything Lexa would stop right away and not do anything else. She trusted the brunette completely. However, Clarke had no intention to stop anytime soon. "No, its okay. I want to its just that I like you, really, really like you. A lot. And I dont want to screw things up with you." A large smile covered Lexas face.

"I really, really like you too, Clarke."

The blonde brought Lexa in for another kiss grinding down into her again. She trailed soft open mouthed kisses down Lexas jaw and neck to her collar bone, nipping along it. A loud knock on the door paused their movements briefly before Clarke whispered, "they will go away," as she continued to kiss her girlfriend.

"Clarke, I know you are in there!" Her mothers voice came.

"Oh fuck." Clarke muttered.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry to leave it on a bit of a cliff hanger but I will post again tomorrow, so hopefully that will make up for it. I hope you enjoyed. Tell me what you liked and what you didnt in the comments and dont forget to leave kudos/ votes. Love you all <3  


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