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Clarke didn't know why Lexa fainted, the cuts were not unbearably deep and she hadn't lost a deadly amount of blood. She was the first to reach the commander but Indra, her mother and a few more of Lexas guards soon followed. There were a lot of people around them, the trikru warriors were probably going to get the Ice Queen and make sure she didn't get away. Abby quickly joined Clarke kneeling next to the unconscious commander.

Abby struggled with why Lexa was unconscious too. She ran through all the possibilities in her mind. "Indra, can you check the weapons for any abnormalities." She ordered the general.

Indra gave a curt nod with a faint sign of annoyance written on her face at the skaikru doctor giving her an order. She did however do as she was told for the sake of the commander. Indra hastily made her way to where the pieces of the spear remained. She picked up the half with the blade on it and examined it closely. When she turned the shaft around in her hands, they glistened black.


"Poison." One of Lexas guards translated for the skaikru.

"What kind?" Abby was in full doctor mode now.

"Klinrona serpens." Indra said decisively. River Snake. She hadn't seen it many times before but it was a signature move from the Azgeda. And the antidote couldn't be found anywhere but the Azgeda territory. "Get Heda to Nyko's tent immediately!" She ordered Lexas guard.

They quickly complied.

Abby, Clarke and Indra followed them to the tent that had been set up for the Commander.

"Is there an Antidote?" Clarke asked desperately. She couldn't lose Lexa.

"There is. However, it can only be found in Azgeda territory." Indra replied.

"Well will Nyko have any?!" The blonde snapped at how calm Indra was.

"We must wait and see Skai girl."

Clarke huffed in frustration and quickened her pace.

When the group made it into the tent the guards placed the half unconscious Lexa on the bed in the middle of the room and left to wait outside. Nyko rushed over to the Commander, checking her pulse and temperature while Abby and Indra filled him in with what happened.

"Klinrona serpens? Ai don fis op Heda. I have the cure for the Commander. My brother gave it to me when he visited me from Azgeda. I only have a small amount, but it should work if we do it quickly." Nyko pulled a small tube with ground down dead leaves in it from his medicine pouch. "Heda will be sick when she wakes up, but it will cure her."

Clarke sighed in relief. Lexa was going to be okay.

"Wanheda could you please get a cup of water?"

Clarke did what she was told and quickly got a cup of water and handed it to Nyko. She would do anything for Lexa. She was the only person that understood her and loved her no matter what. Even if they had just broken up, it wasn't by choice. It was by necessity. The blonde desperately wished that they were living in a world where she didn't carry the lives of thousands on her shoulders or she didn't carry the burden of the lives that she had taken to save her people. In a world where she could live her life with Lexa without the shadow of death looming over them. But that was the harsh reality, that world didn't exist.

Nyko tipped the contents of the tube into the metal cup of water and mixed it around. He then poured the liquid down the commander's throat who was groaning in pain. Once Lexa drank the concoction, Abby had already gotten out the equipment needed to stich up Lexas wounds. Clarke cut down the front of Lexas shirt and took it off, leaving her in the wrap covering her breasts. The blonde then pulled the commanders boots and jeans off so she could get a proper look at all the wounds. The commander had cuts on her forehead, stomach, leg and side of her torso. They were only just too deep to not to need stiches. Clarke, Abby and Nyko got to work on the now fully unconscious commander.

Once Lexa was stitched and cleaned up, Clarke got a blanket and covered Lexa. Nyko handed the blonde a bucket and reminded her, "She will be sick from the antidote when she wakes up." Nyko packed his equipment and left the tent leaving Abby, Clarke and unconscious Lexa alone. Clarke grabbed a chair and sat by her girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend, Clarke corrected herself. She was still pissed at her mother so she opted to ignore her. The blonde knew it was childish but she didn't care. She interlaced her fingers with Lexas and began to rub soothing circles on the back of her hand.

Abby walked over to her daughter, "She is going to be okay." The mother then placed her hand on Clarkes shoulder to be comforting, she knew that she had made Clarke angry when she had said what she thought about Lexa, but she was a mother, she just wanted what was best for her child.

Clarke swatted the older woman's hand away from her should and snarled at her, "Why are you here? You made it very clear that you don't care about Lexa."

"Clarke, honey-"

"Get out."

Abby had a hurt expression overtaking her features. When she didn't leave her daughter gritted through her teeth, "Get. Out."

The older Griffin looked as if she was almost in tears as she swiftly walked out of the healing tent. Clarke rested her head on the bed, and let the tears welling in her eyes fall.


An hour or so later Clarke was still resting her head on the bed. She took in Lexas soft features. She looked so beautiful and peaceful she wanted nothing more than to get her sketch pad and draw her. The blonde sprang out of her thoughts when she heard a small cough come out of the brunette's lips. Clarke watched as Lexas eyes began to flutter open.


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