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Once Clarke had taken a nice, warm, refreshing bath she got into new clothes that Lexa gave to her she went into the main area of the room. Lexa was going over maps and scrolls at a large wooden table. The blonde walked over snaking her arms around Lexas waist and resting her chin on the older girls shoulder.

"How long until we have to go to dinner?"

"About 15 minutes. Would you like me to braid you hair?"

Clarke nodded so the brunette led her over to the couch were she sat down, gesturing for Clarke to sit in between her legs on the floor. Lexa ran her hands through Clarkes hair and the blonde had to hold back a moan.

Lexa swiftly wove intricate braids into Clarke hair with skilled hands. Once she had finished she said, "All done," patting the blonde on the shoulder.

"How do they look?" Clarke asked.

"You look beautiful." Lexa replied instantly with a smile. "Shall we meet go meet your friends now? I have somethings we need to discuss before the feast."

"Feast? I thought you said dinner." Clarke questioned confused.

"It is a dinner to welcome Skaikru to the coalition before the official ceremony the day after tomorrow. I will explain it when we meet with your friends." Lexa explained.


Once everyone had arrived Lexa began to brief them on what was going to happen, "We will be having a feast with the people of Polis and some of the generals from other clans. At first, their will be children, socializing with different groups which will be important for all of you as you will need to win over the other clans. Once all the official business is done the children will be taken to bed and there will be dancing, music and alcohol, just warning you all it is very strong."

They all nodded their head at the Commander in understanding.

"Follow me, the feast is in the city center that I showed you all yesterday."


The feast was at a large table with people sitting all around it from all of the different clans. The table was covered in different types of roasted meats, fruits and vegetables. The commander was at the head of the table happily talking to the leader of the boat clan whose name Clarke could not remember. Clarke was engaged in a conversation with a general of Blue Cliff Clan about skaikru medicine. All of the other sky people also started friendly conversations with other clans as Lexa told them to. Everything was going very well.

Clarke excused herself once the conversation was over and went over to sit next to the boat clan leader that was with Lexa. "Hi," she greeted putting her hand out to shake the other womans, "I am Clarke."

The other leader took her arm in a traditional grounder hand shake "It is nice to meet you Clarke, I am Luna."

"It is a pleasure to meet you too, Luna." Clarke agreed with a smile.

"Heda was just telling me of your conquests to save your people, Clarke. You are a very accomplished leader." Luna started, admiration filled her tone. "I am glad we will be welcoming your people to the coalition soon."

"Thank you, Luna." Clarke said sincerely.

For another few hours the feast continued and I all went to plan, all the other Clan leaders loved the sky people. In this moment Clarke thought that maybe peace was possible despite the awful things that had happened in their pasts, they would be able to actually live, not just survive.


Parents began to take their children home and the feast started to become more lively and less official. Clarke could see different sorts of what she thought had to be instruments being set up and barrels of liquor being carried in. Smaller tables that villagers were sitting at were moved away from the very center and the main table was moved to the side to create a large floor which Clarke suspected would be used for dancing.

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