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The green eyed girl straddled Clarkes waist and slowly began to grind down. Lexa pulled back from the kiss because she felt if she didnt breathe soon, her lungs would explode. She rested her forehead against the blondes, looking into her eyes as she slid her hands up her stomach slowly sliding Clarkes shirt off. Lexa then sat up and skillfully pulled her shirt and breast bindings over her head and chucked it to the side.

Clarke committed the glorious sight to memory. Clarke sat up with the brunette still on top of her and pulled Lexas plump bottom lip in between her teeth which earned an approving groan from the brunette. She trailed her hands over Lexas tribal tattoo on her arm, to her taut and defined stomach and up her sides to the small, yet perfect, swells of her breasts. Lexa was beautiful. She moved her lips down to the dip at the base of her throat and she left a line of hot, open mouthed kisses down to her prominent collar bone. She then took Lexas pebbled nipple in her mouth, flicking her tongue and rubbed the other in between her thumb and pointer finger.

Lexa ran her hands up Clarkes back and tugged on the blondes bra trying and failing at getting the offending garment off. Clarke smiled at how cute the brunette was when frustrated. She covered the older girls hands in her own, stopping her movements. She look off her bra and tossed it to the side. Lexa drank in the sight of Clarke and her heart rate increased rapidly. Lexa drew her into another searing kiss. The blue eyed girl reached into the space between them while keeping their lips attached and unbuttoned Lexas pants and began to pull her jeans and underwear down the brunettes long legs. With each new inch of bare flesh revealed, Clarke could feel her muscles tightening, her nerves igniting and her body throbbing. Once Lexas pants  got past her knees, Lexa kicked them off the rest of the way.

The blonde, not wanting Lexa to feel alone in her exposure, lifted her hips up to enable Lexa to do the same to her. She imagined Lexa never allowed herself such vulnerability with anyone, and Clarke knows that this, all of this, was a sacred privilege. Clarke absorbed the sight of Lexa, brave and bare in front of her, of her sprawling ink and scars, her prominent collarbones, the small swells of her breasts, and her stiff, pebbled nipples.

They were discovering each other in new ways, in bared flesh and youthful passion, in sensual sounds and searching fingers. They were casting their burdens aside, and for this one night, discovering what it means to love each other without control, to have each other without restraint,  there was something so incredibly natural about it, so weightless, so free.

They met in a breathy kiss, the full lengths of their bare bodies now rubbing together, and Clarke had to stop herself from grinding into the older girl, seeking pressure to soothe the throb between her legs.

Lexa lay Clarke down, still straddling her waist and nibbled on her earlobe before asking, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I want this," Clarke assured her without a moments hesitation. She pulled the brunette so she was looking into her eyes "I want you."

Lexa closed the small gap between their lips in a slow and loving kiss. The older girl then placed a soft kiss on the slope of the other girls neck and peppered kisses down her body, sucking on the large swell of the blondes breasts, taut stomach and hip bone, making her way painfully slowly down to the spot that Clarke so desperately wanted her. The brunette kissed and licked the inside of Clarkes thigh teasing her until the blonde pulled her head over her.

The brunette placed her mouth over Clarkes wet lips, spreading them with her tongue. She sucked gently on the blondes opening working her up, then she pushed her tongue into Clarke which earned an embarrassingly loud moan from the blonde and she clenched around her tongue. As Lexa continued to fuck her with her tongue, the blonde entangled her hands in the green eyed womans hair in between her legs as if to keep her from going anywhere (which Lexa had absolutely no intention of doing).   

Clarke rolled her hips up into Lexa in pleasure and the brunette moved to circle her clit with her tongue as she brought her hand down and entered Clarke with one finger. She began to pump in and out of the blonde slowly to start with. Lexa then picked up the pace and added another finger.

Lexa had two fingers buried deep inside her, a strangled cry pulled up from Clarke's throat, and she had to remind herself how to breathe. She wraps her arms tightly around Lexa, clenching her arms to brace herself as she pumped against Lexa's hand and shook  with every perfect thrust, every knowing curl of Lexa's fingers inside her.  Clarke could feel her self being pushed to the edge as she bucked her hips to meet Lexas trusts. The blonde is the vast expanse of space when she comes apart at Lexa's ministrations—wide open and breathless, immense. Little bursting pops of light flare behind her lids like stars when she clamps her eyes closed and topples over the edge into oblivion.

When Lexa felt Clarkes limbs go limp and cave around her she climbed back up Clarke. The blonde pulled her close so their bare bodies were against each other. Clarke pressed her sweaty forehead to Lexa's and lifted a hand to cup her jaw. They breathed together in the silence, both liquid and loose but still burning. Clarke thought to herself it cannot possibly get any better than this. But then Lexa kisses her jaw and whispered, "Breathe, Clarke." Her free hand swiped down the damp length of Clarke's back and squeezed her hip. "We have only just begun."


A/N: Soz if that was fuckin awful but i cant bring myself to give any fucks so suck it up bitchez. if ya did happen to think that it wasnt complete shit than let me know cuz it i just spent 3 whole fuckin hrs writing this shit so you pressing a fucqin kudo button or saying "that was shit" or "that wasnt as shitttty as i thought" shouldnt be too much to ask. If I dont get at least 20 likes then ima not do anymore cuz believe it or not i actually have a fukin life. but well seee. FUCKIN GLAD THATS DONEE


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