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Lexa and Clarke moved together rhythmically to the beat of the music. Their bodies moved as one as they inched impossibly closer to the upbeat tune being played. When the song ended they did not step away from each other, their fronts pressed together. Clarkes eyes flickered down to Lexas lips as she was overwhelmed with the desire to kiss her. The blonde looked into Lexas eyes asking for permission which was gladly granted by the brunette taking Clarkes bottom lip in her teeth and tugging gently. Clarke felt her heart rate quicken with arousal as Lexa deepened the kiss. Both girls forgot that they were in the middle of the dance floor full of people, although luckily for them, most people were too drunk to notice.

"Think of the children!" Clarke and Lexa heard a very drunk Raven slur together loudly. They pulled back slightly, both blushing at the statement.

"Get a room." A less drunk Octavia prompted playfully which just made Clarke and Lexa flush a shade darker.

Lexa looked around pointedly avoiding everyones eyes and she noticed something wasnt right. "Someone is watching us," she said seriously.

"No shit Sherlock," Raven retorted "you guys were about to have hot lesbian sex in the middle of a dance floor."

"Follow me, it is not safe for you here." The commander ordered ignoring Raven, making her way through the crowd towards the tower. She instructed two of the guards on watch to come with them.

They all got in the lift and made their way to the top floor of the tower. Lexa led them to her room ordering for the guards to stay posted outside her doors. She entered holding the doors open gesturing for the skaikru to enter. 

"What is happening?" Bellamy asked, clearly nervous.

"I dont know." Lexa replied honestly. "We will wait here until morning to ensure all of your safety."

 Raven was the most drunk of them all and plopped down on Lexa and Clarkes bed not seeming to know what was happening as she did not look worried in the slightest. Abby on the other hand appeared to be the most distressed as she sat down in an arm chair near the coach. The Blake siblings  sat on the edge of the bed near Raven who had passed out. Clarke went over and sat on the coach near her mother but Lexa did not follow.

Clarke was anxious about what was happening but she was more worried about Lexa who was twirling her dagger in her right hand without looking while pacing up and down the room. Her usual emotionless expression was replaced by a uneasy look.

Abby, Bellamy and Octavia watched as Clarkes eyes followed Lexa as she paced but they said nothing figuring it would be best just to leave them alone. Abby then shifted her gaze to the Commander. When the girl wore her Commander attire and her impassive expression it was easy to forget she was just a teenage girl. In this moment though the Commander did look more like an average teenage girl apart from the knife expertly being twirled in her hand. She wore no war paint, had taken her coat off and was just wearing regular clothes. It was easy to forget the burden of the lives of hundreds of thousands of people that she carried on her shoulders. Abby watched as her daughter stood up making her way to the Commander.

The others just tiredly watched the interactions.

Clarke stepped in front of Lexa taking her hands in her own stopping her pacing and dagger twirling. The brunette looked desperately into the younger girls eyes. "Lexa, you are going to hurt yourself." She said even though she knew that Lexa had been training with weapons since a young age and was very good with them so wouldnt hurt herself. Clarke took the dagger out of her hands, sheathing it at her hip. "Come sit down with me?"

Lexa argued, "but I need to protect yo-"

"I am not going anywhere. I promise." Clarke said sincerely. She led the brunette over to couch and sat down. The older girl sat leaning into the blondes side, her head rested on her shoulder. Clarke wrapped her arm around her pulling her closer.

They all sat in silence for what could have been minutes or hours until Lexa abruptly stood up as she heard the sound of her guards outside the room dropping to the floor, most likely dead. "Someone is here." She stated only loud enough for the people in the room to hear.

Two men with white war paint and blood on their faces burst in with a knife in each hand.

"Get back!" Lexa ordered the skaikru. All but Abby were quick and got to the back of the room, who was frozen in fear.

One of the assassins ran towards Abby with this knives. The older Griffin found that she couldnt move as she was so terrified. This is the end  she thought as he rushed at her. Just as he was about to slit her throat he stopped with blood pouring out of his mouth. He flopped down and Abby saw that Lexas knife was buried in the back of his neck. Abby realized that the Commander must have thrown her only weapon across the room to save her life.

Lexa was now fighting the second assassin with no weapon. Clarke watched with tears flowing down her eyes. Bellamy was holding her back with his arms wrapped around her waist as she scrambled to get to Lexa. Anger bubbled inside of Clarke, how could Bellamy just let Lexa die? She screamed and thrashed against Bellamys hold, but he was stronger.

Lexa ducked, turned and twisted skillfully avoiding every slash. The man darted his blade out and Lexa twisted to the side, catching his arm. She then kneed his stomach causing him to double over in pain. The commander then pushed his knife that was still in his hand to slit his throat. He dropped to the floor with blood pouring out of his mouth and the cut on his neck.

Bellamy then finally let Clarke go and she ran to Lexa jumping on her wrapping her arms around her neck and legs around the brunettes hips. Lexa snaked her arms around the blondes waist. After a few seconds of just holding each other Clarke unwrapped her legs dropping down onto her feet. Lexa noticed that she had tears streaming down her face and hugged her again whispering in her ear, "Its okay, youre okay."

Clarke nodded into her neck, "I was just worried about you. Never do that again."

"It is fine Clarke, I am okay." Lexa reassured her cupping her cheek.

"Who are they?" Octavia brought them out of the moment as they had forgotten that they were not alone.

"Ice Nation." Lexa said her expression going blank.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed and like where this is going.

I imagine that Lexa dodged that blades like the video that is attached. START AT 1:09. (If the video did not work here is the link: )

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