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As they walked through the gate the people of Polis chanted "Heda, Heda, Heda." Bowing their heads as she walked passed, some even getting down on their knees. They all worshiped her. Clarke was in awe at the city and how much they loved Lexa. There were buildings and a tall tower that she suspected was Lexas. People came and took their horses and they continued towards the tower.

A small boy that looked no older than four came up to Lexa holding a flower. The commander bent down so they were eye level. The little boy nervously handed the commander the flower and she gave him a small but genuine smile, "Thank you little warrior." He smiled so widely that it made Clarkes heart swell. Lexa ruffled his hair and he ran off.

"They all love you Lexa." Clarke whispered in the brunettes ear. The commander gave her a small smile and they continued on their way. When they approached the entrance the guards at the door bowed to Lexa and let them pass. Once they entered the foyer of the building, Lexa turned to face the skaikru, "Nimon," she gestured to one of her guards, "will show you to your rooms." 

"Thank you, Commander." Abby said on behalf of her people.

"If you would like a tour of the city, meet me down here in an hours time once you settle in." Lexa offered and they all nodded.

Everyone one got in the lift and Clarke joked, "well Im glad there is a lift, I dont think I could walk up stairs to the top."

Lexa laughed at that to everyones surprise. Raven and Octavia turned to Bellamy, the prior smirking and the latter mouthing, 'have fun with the washing.'

They came to a stop, the lift doors opened and Nimon led Raven, Octavia and Bellamy out of the lift.

Abby, Clarke and Lexa continued up to the top level. Lexa showed Abby to her room.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Commander." Abby said genuinely.

Lexa nodded in thanks.

"I was thinking, maybe one night we are staying here, you and Clarke could join me for a meal?" Abby asked hopefully, she wanted to strengthen her relationship with her daughter. She hated how distant they had become since she sent Clarke to earth.

"We would love to, thank you for the offer, Chancellor." Lexa said respectfully.

At that Clarke took Lexas hand and they left her mother to settle in. Lexa led them to set of grand french doors, she opened them allowing Clarke to enter first. The blonde walked in and found herself speechless at the extravagance of the room. There was a balcony over looking the city and a large bed covered in furs in the center of the room.

"Wow, your room is amazing!" Clarke uttered, "Ive never seen anything like it."

"Im glad you like it, Clarke."

"Do you want to come rest with me? Im really tired." Clarke asked.

Lexa nodded taking the blondes hand and interlacing their fingers, leading them over to her bed. She got under the furs and, moving over so there was room for Clarke. They snuggled up together falling into a peaceful sleep within minutes.


Once everyone had made their way to the foyer for a tour, they exited the building. "We can look at the market stalls first if you would like?" Lexa asked the skaikru.

They all nodded their heads and followed the commander. They wondered through the market looking at various stalls for about half an hour trying a range of foreign foods and looking at diverse fabrics.

The commander then took them to the training grounds were many warriors were sparring against each other. The skaikru looked at all the various warriors fighting most pairs seemed to be getting an even amount on blows in but there was one man that was beating every warrior he fought easily with his size and strength. The sky people all watched as the giant man beat everyone that was willing to spar with him with heavy punches.

"Anyone else want to spar?" He asked cockily.

"I will." Lexa said confidently.

All the warriors started cheering Lexas tittle enthusiastically. "Lexa!" Clarke whispered angrily, "What are you thinking? He is going to squash you!" Only loud enough that Lexa could hear and consequently Bellamy, Raven, Abby and Octavia.

"It will be fine Clarke, my good looks arent the only reason I was chosen as Heda." Lexa joked, a smirk on her lips. The blonde rolled her eyes but was still overly nervous.

"You are definitly going to have to do our washing, Bell." Octavia said in her brothers ear.

Lexa walked forward towards the training circle and the crowd parted ways. Everyone else stopped training to watch their commander, even some of the villagers had come to watch. Both competitors got into a stable stance to start the match.

Lexa waited for the man to strike first keeping light on her feet. He got impatient and threw a powerful hook punch towards the commanders jaw, she quickly stepped to the side. While he was off balance from not landing on his target, she swept his legs out from under him. The mountain of a man landed face first in the mud.

The crowds chants got louder at their Hedas victory. Lexa, however, kept her features impassive as she went to help her opponent up. He took the commanders hand and bowed his head respectfully once he stood up.

She nodded back before making her way back over to her guests.

"Well that was fucking awesome!" Raven exclaimed while the others just stood their in awe.

"Shall we go to the farming section of the city?" Lexa asked calmly as if she hadnt just just beat a man twice her size within seconds.

"That sounds good." Clarke said with a big smile on her face.


After they finished their tour, Lexa led them back to the tower so they could rest for a while, "I would like to invite you all to dinner tonight. It will be on the top level, your guards will escort you there at the appropriate time. I hope you enjoyed the tour of the capital."

They all said their thanks and made their way to their respective rooms. Once Clarke and Lexa made it to their room they were both tired and desperately needed a bath.

"Would you like me to run a warm bath for you, Clarke?"

"Yes please," the blonde leaned over and sweetly kissed Lexa on the lips, "your the best."


A/N: Sorry for the delay between chapters, I was really busy. I am so sorry, but I will not be able to update until Monday because I have nationals for cricket (but I will try to update before Thursday). Just so you dont get confused I am in eastern standard time so you can see what time that will be for you. I will try get as many updates from Monday to the following Monday and then I will update twice a week, once on Sunday and the other when I have time. I am sorry that it is not a very solid schedule, its just I have a lot of sporting commitments. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, tell me what you thought in the comments. After we move on from skaikru joining the coalition and the subsequent problems and consequences we will be led onto a different sorry line or part of the story that I think you will enjoy, I will be hinting at it in the nest few cahpters. Have an excellent day/ night <3

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