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Lexa, Clarke and Indra rushed out of the Commanders tent. The sounds of her warriors shuffling around, getting the Queen and her close generals locked away. But Lexa couldnt think about that. Her brother was alive? It was too good to be true. The queen wouldnt leave her with something she loved. That would be too humane for the Azgada queen. Uncharacteristic of her. 

The familiar sound of a beautiful blondes words interupted her thoughts, "Lex, what happening. Why would the queen leave him alive?"

"I dont know. We will have to see." Lexa replied looking into her skyblue eyes. She would never get tired of doing that. "Keep your distance. I know you can protect yourself. But I dont want you getting hurt ai hodness."

Clarke gave her a soft squeeze on the hand for support. Maybe she wasnt as good at hiding her thoughts she she thought. Maybe it was just Clarke that could see right through her. 

The three warriors made it into the clearing. There he was. But it wasnt the innocent young boy that didnt want to become a warrior, that wanted to heal people. There was no trace of him left. The man that somewhat resembled a male version of Lexa looked around the camp looking for someone. Lexa could see the fire burning in his eyes. He didnt seem to be moving so the guards were only loosely holding him by the arm.

That wasnt my brother. He was a weak skeleton of the person he once was. What had the queen done to him?

He spotted me and all hell broke loose. He thrashed against his guards which were caught off by his sudden change in demeanour. He punched one in the face and kicked the other in the lower region. They both fell to the ground in agony. He ran towards be and I hardly had any time to react. I had left all my weapons in the tent where Clarke was treating me apart from the knife in my boot. I didnt have time.

To my surprise when he got to me, he pushed passed me. He was strong. Unnaturally strong. He wasnt human anymore. I fell to the ground. Thats when I realised it wasnt me he wanted. It was Clarke.

My heart dropped. Nia had brain washed him some how to kill her. I know she would go down so easily. 


I got up and ignored the pain. He was on top of the blonde. His big hands enclosed around her throat.   I jumped into action. I reached around the front of his neck. I slit his throat.

I slit my own brothers throat for Clarke. And I would do it a hundred times over. 

I felt nothing as his lifeless body fell of Clarke with blood spurting out of his neck. Clarke coughed, struggled to get air into her lungs. I rushed to her side. 

"Clarke. Are you okay?"

She nodded. Of course she would.

Abby showed up and helped Clarke, examining the damage. After making sure everything was somewhat okay, Lexa stood up and faced her people. 

"Warriors of the thirteen clans!" I called and they immediately stopped what they were doing. "Nias actions can no longer be tolerated. Blood must have blood. Death by a thousand cuts to her and those who still support her at first light."

With that I turned and followed Clarke and Abby back to the tent.



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