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The plans were set. Today was the day that Lexa would  take down the Ice Queen and finally put Costia to rest. In a mathematical sense, Lexas side had the advantage, they had the numbers and in Lexas opinion, the better warriors. But they were marching into the ice nations territory, they knew the battle field better than anyone else. The weather was also freezing and the Azgeda warriors were climatized to the temperature. There was no doubt that there would be casualties on both sides but Nia needed to deposed of. Skaikru had agreed to fight the war along side the commander. Skaikru joining them could be the thing that wins the war because of the skaikrus advanced weaponry. Azgeda had the largest army but Lexa had 12 clans backing her. It would be a tough fight but Lexa believed that she could take them down.

Lexa stood before her army with her generals and Clarke. She signaled with her hand and the man blew the war horn.

"Kom war!" Lexa yelled to her people. They went up in triumphant shouts and chanted 'Heda' over and over again.


Lexa and Clarke road at the front of the group, they were close together but not touching. They did not have enough horses for all the grounders and sky people so the large group traveled very slowing, Lexa estimated it would take at least a week to get to Azgeda territory. Clarke just hoped that her people would hold back any grudges and not start any fights with the Lexas people. Clarke knew that Lexa was a seasoned warrior with arguably the best mind for war strategy in the world and the plan she had set out would be able to defeat the ice nation. It was just a matter of executing the plan as a united army. The blonde really wanted for her and Lexas people to put their differences aside and work together to take out the common enemy. Everything was tense and Clarke had a feeling it was going to end badly but they had to try.

Neither girls had had any time to themselves for the five days that they had been riding. They had barely been able to talk at all. Since their relationship was still a secret to everyone but Zoron and Clarkes friends, they had been sleeping in different tents and had barely talked about anything but the upcoming war. Clarke could tell that Lexa was anxious about facing the Ice Queen and she was angry that she could do nothing to comfort the brunette.

The army was just crossing over the Azgeda border and everyone was on high alert. The large army walked through the snow covered trees in a tense silence until Lexa heard the faint sound of someone approaching. She held up her hand signally everybody to stop walking and remain silent. She heard the foot steps getting closer and closer but she kept her sword sheathed because she could tell it was only a small party.

A small group of about 20 men came into view. They were all at least twice the size of Lexa, with unique scars and white war paint marking their faces. They were Azgeda and all followed behind a massive man with a cocky smirk on his face.  Lexa clenched her jaw. There were a number of things they could do, they had over ten thousand warriors and the Azgeda group had less than 20. If she wanted to, she could take them out with any casualties, but Nia would know that. The small group definitely had a different plan than trying to take out her whole army with 20 odd warriors, but Lexa was yet to figure it out. It was, of course, possible that they were just a scouting group, which was hopefully the case. There was no doubt Nia knew she was coming but she hoped she didnt know exactly when.

"What is you business here?" Lexa called to them with a stone cold expression and they got closer.

"This is our land Heda," their leader snarled back walking up so he was face to face with the Commander.

Lexa glared deep into the ignorant mans eyes, "As I recall, your queen swore fealty to me and pledged her clan and land to me. This land is mine. Now tell me, what are you doing this far south?" The brunette commanded and it looked like half of the Azgeda men were about to shit themselves but the leader remained cocky. The smaller, yet still large man, who Lexa suspected was the leaders second looked to be the most scared, or perhaps the worst at hiding his fear. 

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