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Clarke awoke that morning practically on top of Lexa. She rolled off of the other girl getting out of bed which caused Lexa to groan.

"Good morning mother!" Clarke said enthusiastically when she saw her mum drinking a cup of tea on the couch reading.

"Good morning Daughter!" Abby mocked Clarke, "What has made you so cheerful this morning?"

Clarke rolled her eyes at her mothers mockery, "I just slept really well and I also have less of a hangover than I thought I would."

"Im glad." her mother said.

"Lexa," Clarke called trying to get her girlfriend up. When she just grumbled and rolled over, "Lexa I am in urgent need of something."

"What is it, Clarke?" Lexa sighed.

"Can you get me some food? Trying to avoid assassination makes me hungry." Clarke pouted.

"I shall go fetch you something then, ai hodnes."

Clarke cursed herself for not learning Trigedasleng. She had no idea what Lexa had called her. "Thank you, but that better not mean 'hungry bitch'."

The brunette stood up, pulling on her boots. "I assure you it does not. I will get you both breakfast then I will call a council meeting for the generals and your people to discuss the events of last night."

"Thank you, Lexa." Abby said gratefully.

With that the brunette nodded in acknowledgement and left the room.

"You love her dont you?" Clarkes mother asked knowingly.

"I do." The blonde answered without a moments hesitation. "You dont approve?"

"I am starting to like her. I know that she comes across as heartless, cold and ruthless but I now see that she is quite the opposite. I am happy that you have found someone that cares so much for you."

Clarke brought her mother in for a long, tight hug.


Once Lexa, Clarke, Abby, Bellamy, Raven and Octavia had made their way to Lexas room Lexa told them what to expect in the council meeting and how to behave. Once that was sorted, Lexa led them to the throne room.

Lexa entered first holding her chin high and taking, long confident steps. The skaikru then entered the room taking a seat. Lexa stood in front of her throne surveying everyone before sitting on the thone.

"I am sure you are all now aware of what happened last night. There was an assassination attempt made by Azgeda warriors on myself and our skaikru guest." She looked Morad, the Ice Nation representative directly in the eye casing him to cower slightly, "I also have word that Nias army is marching on my lands against the terms of the alliance. What do you have to say on behalf of your clan, Morad?"

"It is just a military routine, Heda." He said cockily. "The Queen believes that you are letting your feelings for sky girl cloud your judgement. She just wants to know if she needs to dispose of that weakness. Just like she did for your last whore. What was her name again? Costia wasnt it?"

Luna stood up in anger, "You can not speak to Heda in such a way!"

"You should be put on a tree for treason!" Another general called out.

Lexa raised her hand to silenced them, "Join me," She instructed getting up and walking onto the veranda.

Morah smirked. He walked out going onto the veranda first. He turned around. "I have to say hearing her scream your name when we cut her flesh was quite enjoyable. She thought you were going to save her-"

Lexa kicked him in the stomach causing him to fall off the edge. He yelled as he fell down until she heard the thump of him hitting the ground.

Lexa turned around making her way back to her throne and sitting down before continuing, "I summon the armies of the eleven clans. After we have initiated skaikru into the coalition, we march on Azgeda." She informed them with a stone cold expression. "Any objections?" She asked gesturing to the veranda.

Every clan general replied with a confident, "No Heda."

"Good." With that she got off her throne and walked out of the room.


A/N: I hope you liked the chapter. I have another fic which is a high school AU leading into a celebrity AU. I think you would like it. You can check it out by clicking the links below...



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