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After striding out of the council meeting Lexa went straight to her planning room. Once again they were on the brink of war. She was glad that she could protect Clarke this time, even though she knew that the blonde could look after herself. Lexa knew that she needed to initiate skaikru into the coalition before the war to ensure a solid alliance. Having the skaikru on her side could be the thing that wins the war so she needed to make sure they would stay loyal. Not all of the clans had warriors and the Ice nation had the second largest army after trikru. In terms of numbers, the war was in Lexas favor but she knew that Nia never played by the rules. Nia would do anything to hurt Lexa which Lexa learnt when she murdered everyone she cared about in cold blood. When Lexa made it to the room she went straight to the maps of her lands. The Azgeda capital was in the center of Nias territory which made it difficult to access. She would need to summon the armies of the 11 clans and skaikru immediately to attack before Nia could hurt anyone else. She sat at the table with the maps and started to create strategy to defeat Nia once and for all.


When Lexa strode out of the war room Clarke decided that it would be best to leave the brunette alone for a little bit to let her work things out. After all, she had just declared war on one of the largest clans in the coalition and kicked an Azgeda general off the edge of her tower, which was pretty bad ass, Clarke had to admit. Clarke sensed that everything was really tense in the room after the commander left. It made her think that Lexa wasnt the only one that Nia had done unthinkably terrible things to. Clarke just hoped that they would be able to think of a good enough plan to defeat the Ice Nation without killing innocent civilians. Clarke decided to go get them both some food and then go find Lexa to see if she was okay. She got two plates of food from the dining hall and went back up to the top floor of the tower. She looked in their room first. When she discovered that Lexa was not there she went to the war planning room figuring that she had to be there. She found the brunette intently looking over maps of a place that she did not recognize but suspected was Azgeda territory. Lexa was so engrossed in what she was doing, she did not even notice Clarke enter the room, which really worried Clarke because she was usually extremely aware of her surroundings.

"Are you okay Lex?" Clarke asked, clearly concerned.

The brunette looked up slightly startled, "Yeah, Im fine," she lied and avoided eye contact with the blonde. She could tell that Clarke saw straight through her.

"You dont have to talk about it if you dont want to, but I will always be here if you want someone to talk to." Clarke assured her, trying not to push the older girl into something she did not want to do. Lexa cleared a space on the table for the plates and gestured for the blonde to sit down next to her. Clarke accepted the invitation by sitting on the chair. The girls ate their food in silence until Lexa turned in her chair looking Clarke in her eye and taking Clarkes hands in her own."I am just worried about what will happen in the war," Lexa started, "I fear that I will be unable to keep you safe and I... I cant loose you ." A tear ran down the brunettes cheek, "I love you, Clarke."

Clarkes heart stopped at the words uttered from the older girls mouth. The blonde was overwhelmed with the urge to kiss the other girl. Clarke leaned across, cupped Lexas cheek and captured her lips in a slow and tender kiss filled with promise. Lexa was glad that she had such a positive reaction to her confession. Clarke pulled back, resting her forehead lightly against the older girls, "I love you too, Lexa." Clarke couldnt help herself and she smiled the widest smile before Lexa drew her in for a more heated kiss. Clarke, getting sick of the distance between them, moved over straddling Lexa on the chair while continuing to kiss her passionately. The blonde rolled her hips down into Lexa which earned an approving moan. They only pulled back when they ran out of breathe. They stayed close, their noses brushing lightly, panting heavily. Clarke took the brunettes hand which rested on her hip, leading her out of the room towards their bedroom.

Half way down the hall, Lexa pushed Clarke up against the wall, pining Clarkes hands above her head. She kissed her mouth deeply before trailing down to her jaw then to her pulse point. Lexa then picked the blonde up and the younger girl wrapped her legs around her waist. They continued their impromptu make out session while Lexa walked them to the bedroom. When they got to the door Lexa by pushing on it with her back. She carried Clarke to the bed, placing her down gently and then crashing their lips together.

To be continued... 


A/N: The next chapter will be mostly smut ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hope you enjoyed lol

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