||T h e N e i g h b o u r||

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You were born with wings. Why prefer to crawl through life?



Although we already only talked to each other when there was absolutely no other option left, after that little 'incident' even that has stopped.

I tried talking Minahil through that what she did was not sensible and I even apologized but in vain. She was just not ready to accept the fact that what she asked me to do was wrong.

Tired of it all, I decided to finally drop the topic and leave it as it was. She wasn't going to accept my apology and there was no way she was going to admit that she was wrong.

Knowing that I wasn't going to get any more car rides from my sister if I wake up late, I put two alarms beside my bed.

So that if one of them fails to wake me up, I'll have the other one to my rescue.

Genius much?
Thank you.

Fortunately my 'genius' plan seemed to work out and I woke up right on time.
Got dressed, had breakfast, had my huge mug of coffee, got ignore worthy glares from Minahil, all in good time to catch the bus.

As always, Assalam o alaikum walls. See you later.

"Bismillahi Tawakal tu al-Allah wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah"
With the dua on my lips I stepped out of my house. Just then, the door of the house in front of me opened, and out stepped he.

To say that my jaw dropped to the floor would be an understatement. The new neighbour that had just moved happened to be that guy from my physics class aka my sister's crush; Zeyara.

Just wow.
Out of all the people of all the countries in the entire solar system, he had to be my neighbour?

Seems like my dua for having a muslim neighbour got accepted. In such an odd manner.

And call it luck or bad luck that just at the moment I stepped out of my house, he also stepped out of his.

I'm not sure if he recognised me or not because of my niqab but we just stood there frozen in front of our house doors with a blank expression, eyeing each other suspiciously.

Dark beard, the first thing that anyone would notice when they see him. Oh and he has those Egyptian curly hair and...

Astagfirullah! Lower your gaze girl.

Even though I wasn't staring at him in a bad way but staring at him for too long might cause me to think bad. There was no way I was going to lose myself like Minahil and all the other girls around me.

I know my worth and it's not so little that I would give it up for a boy.

Careful not to glance at him again I walked off towards the bus stop. Behind me I could hear his footsteps meaning that he too, had started walking.

The walk to the bus stop usually takes 5 minutes but today it seemed to take longer with him following me. God. Why doesn't he just change his path?
His footsteps seemed to follow me like a shadow.

And when I got on the bus, thinking that I had finally escaped him.
He too, stepped on the bus.

Whyyyyyyy??? Is he following me?

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