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T h i r t y F i v e
This one is for AsmaShaikhNovella

If Allah is making you wait,
then be prepared to receive more than you asked for.


His eyes showed the kind of gentle concern that no one had ever shown me, not even Zeyara. I was sure in that moment that no man could love me more than my father.
"The only reason I kept you away from me was to keep you out of it and now you want me to-"

"But I was never completely out of it, was I? What about that nuclear weapon and me being the password?"

"That was a mistake. I just wanted to distract our enemies but ended up putting you in danger. However, I did send MZS to keep track of you so that you spend your life normally."

He let out a deep sigh as he finished speaking and tilted his head back to gaze at the mysterious dark sky.

"Z- Zeyara was here for me?" I widened my eyes and gulped.

Baba nodded slightly. "He got beaten up many times while protecting you. Even the US FBI agents were searching for my daughter, you, but he lured them."

I glanced upward at the same sky baba was staring at. My eyes blinked to regain focus but the image of Zeyara's bruised face, swollen eyes and his limping steps flashed in front of my eyes.
That day when he said he fell down and got hurt, he lied.
Instead he got caught up in a fight to keep me safe.

"Baba was Zeyara the actual password?"

My question left him totally flabbergasted. "How did you figure that out?"

"I don't know." I shrugged, "It's the only way things made sense."

He smiled at me. "I'm impressed. You've got my traits."

I smiled slightly before remembering something else I wanted to ask him. "Baba what about that private airplane? Which mafia is working with Alnihayya?"

As soon as my words landed on his ears, he froze. He was far too astounded to be normal. "T-thats nothing. Don't mention that again to anyone. You understand?"

His reaction was questionable but I nodded. He was my father after all, the creator Alnihayya. He has saved so many lives, it can't be anything bad.

"I can't belive you figured all of that on your own!" He shook his head incredulously.

"I'm Mashal Naeem after all." I said proudly at which he smiled.

We stood there in silence, gazing at the sky which was the canvas for our flashbacks. Both of us were lost when baba's voice brought us back.
"Your exams end on the 30th. I'll not be able to risk coming here again but I'll send someone to get you."

My mouth hung loose as I realised what he meant.
"Thank you!" I clapped in excitement and he pulled me into a hug again. I couldn't believe he had finally agreed to it. I also couldn't believe that he had been stalking me so much that he even knew my exam schedule.

"My daughter would be the first person to thank some one for putting her in danger." He chuckled before kissing the top of my head.

I grinned as we parted. "Baba what should I pack and where would we be going?"

He rolled his eyes incredulously. "It's not a vacation young woman. It's a war."

I knew meeting Zeyara after such a long time would be more exciting than a vacation but I didn't reveal my thoughts to baba.

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