||A f g h a n i s t a n||

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S e v e n t e e n
This one is for Sadi3013


This story or the writer, in no way promote or support terrorism or sexual harrassment/abuse.

Just as it was stated in the beginning, this story is in the light of the current world circumstances.

PG 14 - (light swearing, alcohol)

Give your heart to Allah,
and Allah will send the right person to take care of it.

-(Sent in by Lubbaina)-

***Leave your quotes here if you want me to put them up :)***


I woke to a living nightmare.

At first I couldn't remember anything but then reality showered on me. The last I remembered was that Ibrahim was bleeding and those terrorists.......they injected me with something to get me unconscious.

But how did I reach this place? And what is this place? My eyes scanned the room carefully. It looked like a small dark cottage with a hay roof and now that my senses were returning to me, I realized that I was lying on the floor and covered by what seemed like fur and feathers. The hut was lit by the dim yellow fire which provided heat. I also realized that I wasn't alone.

I was surrounded by a bunch of women, sitting around and staring down at me. They began whispering in an unknown language when they saw me awake. I think it was Pushto because the way they were dressed- long, brightly coloured and heavily embroidered dresses with a lot of mirror work, it was clear that they were Afghanis. Their old nomad necklaces and head bands made it even more evident. I tried to sit up but I was stung with a pang of pain in my head and I fell back to the floor. My shoulders cramped and my muscles ached and I also felt desperate hunger.

"Here, drink this." One of them said in my language as she supported me to sit up and shoved a copper glass at me, the contents sloshing noisily around.

I looked at it with suspicious eyes. "Water?" I asked. My question seemed to amuse her and the corner of her mouth lifted up. "No. It's what you call qahwa."

She propped the glass near my lips and even though I would've never drunk something from the hands of a stranger in an unhygienic glass but I knew I needed that tea. It wasn't until I took the first sip that I realized how thirsty I was and how badly I needed it. My lips were dry and cracked and my tongue felt like frozen meat. I drank the warm liquid greedily ignoring the fact that it was way too sweet for me.

After gulping the tea and getting enough energy to speak, I instinctively asked "Where am I?"

The women glanced at each other as if not knowing how to answer my question. "You don't remember?" She asked me- the same one who had helped me with the tea.

I nodded negatively to which she sighed. "Sanan brought you here in Afghanistan. I'm glad you decided to join this jihad."

"What?!" I stared at her, mouth opened and feeling as if I had been electrified. The amount of shit that just came out of her mouth was way too much to handle. "Who Sanan? Which jihad and how did I end up in Afghanistan?"

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