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T h i r t y  T h r e e

This one is for NooceeH


This story or the writer, in no way promote or support terrorism or sexual harrassment/abuse.

Just as it was stated in the beginning, this story is in the light of the current world circumstances.

PG 16 - (references to harrassment)

I said to Allah, "I hate life."
He replied, "Who asked you to love life? Just love Me and life will be beautiful."


'The heart pumps oxygen and nutrient filled blood in our arteries.'

I groaned in annoyance before letting my face fall on the biology text book. Finals were supposed to be in May but the board had shifted the schedule back a month so that 'political tension doesn't affect students.' Much to my disappointment it meant that tomorrow was my biology exam.

"I'm pretty sure my heart pumps tiredness in my arteries instead of oxygen." I mumbled to myself, stretching my arms in front of me. I had been studying the whole night but I still couldn't get my head around the topics.
I'll have to bid farewell to my A stars this time.

Fajr was at six thirty and it was six o' clock so I still had half an hour to study but knowing that my mind won't allow that anymore, I pulled aside the blue curtain draped over the window in front of me. I was sitting on Zeyara's study table and the window was right in front of me.

The window overlooked Minahil's house. More accurately it overlooked my old room.
I'm glad I always had the curtains on my window back then. It would've been weird knowing that Zeyara could watch me so easily.

The sky was still dark but the street was lit up with the soft yellow light of the street lights.
I was staring at the street idly with my hand under my chin, supporting my face. Everything was serene and peaceful.

I was about to set the curtain again when I saw a girl about my age come running in the street. That was a weird sight at that time so I leaned in to look at her as she kept on coming closer.

It was freezing cold but she wasn't wearing a jacket. The tiny red dress she was wearing didn't even reach her knees and I could tell, even from that distance, her dress was torn near her shoulders and sleeves.
Not only that, her feet were bare without any shoes on and her hair seemed as if someone had pulled them in all the weird directions.

When she stopped running and stood outside the house opposite to the one I was in, I knew she was Minahil.

I gasped at her despecable state with all sorts of disturbing thoughts coming in my mind. I stood up with the shock when she didn't press the door bell and started walking away again.

"No Minahil wait!" I screamed, even though she couldn't hear me from the closed window.

I grabbed a scarf, roughly slipping it on my head before rushing out of the room and down the stairs. I didn't want to waste time wearing an abaya.

I unlocked the main door and dashed out at an alarming speed.
"Minahil!" I said running behind her. I tried my best to keep my voice loud enough so she should hear it but at the same time soft enough so that no one else could.

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