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F o r t y  F i v e
This one is for MuslimahForever13


Allah says, "Take one step
towards Me, I will take ten steps towards you. Walk towards me,
I will run towards you."

-Sent in by @MuslimahForever13 -


I was having an extremely uncomfortable night in room 987 while Minahil by my side, was sleeping soundly except for the random coughing.

We didn't see Zeyara or Ibrahim after Minahil's demonstration of how to offend men in less than five minutes. Stupidly enough, I completely forgot Zeyara's room number and Ibrahim never mentioned his.

Zeyara's attitude, his sensitivity towards the topic of his face, his insecurity was bothering me. It was so scary, the fact that he would remain like that. From being the person who once attracted a lot of attention to becoming someone with a battered face who people are frightened to even look at, is a drastic change. He was probably even frightened to look at himself for he removed the mirror in his room.
I wish it was enough for him to hear me say that he is beautiful, but unfortunately I think he doubts me. He thinks that I say it out of pity and because he is my husband and I have to deal with it.
And it breaks my heart to know that he is kinda right. I know I would've never found him attractive if he didn't have Zeyara bin Hamid's face when I first met him.

I tried being mad at Minahil for what she said but I knew she couldn't help it, it was who she was.
Extremely straightforward, short tempered and impulsive. Which, in common terms is known as being rude and bitchy.

I even tried using Ibrahim as bait to convince her that she should control her tongue.
"Minahil if you really do want to get married to Ibrahim then you need to change your ways! He isn't like those boys you met in high school or college. He is a mature person."

"Yes exactly! I mean they didn't have a masjid in my high school." She cackled at the joke which I couldn't find and then pointed at her finger nails. "Anyways do you know where I could get a manicure?"

The conversation ended with me walking off as well.

The silence of the night in our dark bedroom was interrupted by the call of prayer at the crack of dawn. Alnihayya had a strange system of waking people up for fajr. Not only did the speakers sound the azan in the loudest volume possible, the lights also turned on automatically as the azan started. The newest thing that I discovered today was that if you still don't get up from the bed ten minutes after the azan finishes, the ceiling parts and releases water, you literally get a cold shower on your bed.

Minahil got to experience that while I laughed whole heartedly.

"I just got a shower. Why do I still need to do wudu?" She groaned as I pushed her in the bathroom for wudu.

"Because there's a difference between a shower and a ghusl!" I exclaimed.

The cavern smelled of croissants, hash browns, toasts and fried potatoes when we reached there for breakfast. The food and the aroma, both were amazing but I couldn't seem to enjoy it. Nor could Minahil, because she had her head down on the table, snoring lightly. I couldn't fathom how she could sleep in such a lot of noise.
Twisting my fork in my plate idly, I gazed around at the other tables.

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