||T u f a n||

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T w e n t y  E i g h t
This one is for xxWhitepearl1998xx

You can't force love, I realized. It's there or it isn't. If it's not there, you've got to be able to admit it. If it is there, you've got to do whatever it takes to protect the ones you love.

-Frostbite, Richelle Mead-


The thick smoke from the explosions mixed with the fog around us forming a white haze. The pale winter sun shone from above and the smell of gun powder left a never ending effect on our senses. Everything and everyone had scorched to nothing but ash. It was undoubtedly the most terrible scene I had ever seen in my life.

The whole world was haunted and I was the ghost.

"Ibrahim." I murmured, examining his desolated state. His eyes were almost closed and lips trembling in the cold which was biting his bare back like a hungry predator. I could imagine the pain but when I glanced behind me, his pain seemed nothing as compared to the pain the others must have felt.

"Is anyone alive?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs towards the corpses that lay on the wintery ground.

I thought I might hear a few voices calling for help but when no reply came back, I was sure that this valley had become a graveyard.

I had lost all of them. I would never be able to see those people again. All those women and those men, their families would be so devastated.

Tears trickled down my face but I wiped them off quickly. I was ashamed of who I was. I was the one who killed them. I had no right to cry. This was just the beginning. When they use my blood to unlock that deadly bomb, that would be the end. I thought Shafin would change. That maybe she could be trusted. I could never imagine her tiny form to kill so many people. But then, not everyone is like Sanan.

Zeyara where are you gone? Don't you see I need you? You always appear when I'm in trouble. I am in a lot of trouble right now sheikh. Save me.

Ibrahim winced in pain as a fierce wave of wind blowed, piercing though his back. He was experiencing physical pain and I was experiencing emotional pain. The heaviness of both feelings was crushing our bones.
I realised I had to do something. I couldn't just leave him in pain like that.

What would Zeyara do in such a situation?

I hurriedly stood up from the black barren ground where once used to be green grass. I had a bottle of rain water and Ibrahim's jacket with me when I slept under the tree last night. I took the water and carefully washed his wounds with the cool, non toxic liquid. He winced in pain as the water landed on his burns but that was the only first aid I could manage to give.
"I'm sorry. Be patient." I whispered and pressed his ragged palm reassuringly.

Once his back was cleaner, I covered it with his jacket to relieve him from the cold. It seemed to help a bit and his heartbeat became much more even.

I was sitting beside him on my knees, thinking of what to do next and praying to Allah to make it easier for me. I couldn't carry him. He was way too heavy for me and I didn't even know the way.

Soon my prayers were answered and I heard a loud but familiar voice. "Hello! Is anyone there?"

My heart rejoiced a little as a tiny speck of hope rose inside me. "Sanan!" I replied out loud scanning the haze around me, trying to figure out where he was. "It's me Mashal. I need help!"

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