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T h i r t y  O n e
This one is for missy_symina

"Know that Allah
never gets tired
giving and forgiving."


I finally got the time to ponder more on my heartbeat.
And guess what?
I was right.
Hearts don't make a pointless lub dub lub dub sound. They actually pronounce 'Allah'

When the whole world was asleep, silence and darkness surrounded me. In that state of self exploration, I finally knew why Allah said, "Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest."

I let myself cry and weep in front of the most Merciful.
Every time I had hoped for Zeyara to come and save me from my problems, felt like I had done shirk.
It is Allah who saves us. People are sent by Him. They can't do anything on their own.

I had been so ignorant recently even though Allah kept on blessing me. He gave me Zeyara, he saved me from that terrorist attack, from that bomb blast, then He sent Sanan for my help and then as if that was not enough, He confirmed that Zeyara was alive.

And not only Zeyara, but my father was alive as well.
Instead of thanking Allah for all this, what I said was, "You are Ar-Rahman. How could you do this to me?"

It was the time for my repentance and so I did. I cried and I begged for mercy. I spent most of that night awake, praying on Zeyara's grey praying mat and reading his colour coded tajweed Quran.

I had figured that by pressing a certain red button on the map- which used to be the bed, everything shifts back to its normal position.
That huge screen disappeared, the bed turned back into its original form and all the machines and cameras hid away.

That's when I started praying. I could actually meet my father now If Allah wills. I could sit with him, talk like a normal daughter talks to her father. It would be so much fun but at the same time his last words on that video message scared me a bit. He told Zeyara that it was a wrong decision to marry me. Why would he say that? Maybe because he thought we won't get much time together?

Whatever the reason, those words were not good.

I decided to stay home that day and start college from the next day because I had a lot to do from shopping for clothes to bying a cell phone.
You can't just go to college without a cell phone.

Uncle Suleiman gave the fajr azan himself at almost 7 o' clock. That was one of the perks of living in Manchester, in the winter, we have fajr very late.

I did my wudu lazily, because of not getting enough sleep last night and inspected Zeyara's room one last time to make sure it looked normal.
After that I headed downstairs to the lounge where Uncle Suleiman and Marwa were already present. They looked fresh while I looked like I had been drinking the whole night.

I helped Marwa with her scarf, in which she looked beyond cute and then the three of us prayed together with Uncle Suleiman leading us.

After salah, I rushed over to the kitchen and locked the door announcing, "I'm gonna make breakfast uncle! I know if I open the door you'll not let me do that."

I heard him chuckle at this from behind the closed door. "Yes you're right. You look so tired. I wasn't going to let you cook alone."

"Now you just sit and wait. I'll make the best omelette ever!" I exclaimed with confidence.

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