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T w e n t y  N i n e
This one is for Witteewat

Home isn't where you're from. It's where you find light when all grows dark.

-Pierce Brown, Golden Son-


With shaky legs, murky mind and glossy eyes, I glanced briefly at Sanan who nodded reassuringly and motioned for me to move in the ward.

Gulping the lump in my throat, I walked in behind the nurse with Sanan following me.

There in the tiny bed in that grey hospital room, lay Ibrahim with numerous tubes and needles connected to his arms and hands. His back was covered with white bandages. Anyone who saw him from behind, might mistake him to be a mummy from Egypt.
He wasn't lying on his back, rather on his side and judging by the condition of his back, I knew he wouldn't be able to lay on his back for a long time now.

"These are not the visiting hours but still you have half an hour to talk to him." The nurse stated before she turned on her heels and left the room.

The tension in the air was surreal. I glanced at Ibrahim once before hanging my head low.
With his sunken eyes, lifeless pale skin and tightly closed lips he looked so sick and vulnerable that I felt my cheeks getting wet. His beard used to glow but now it looked dry like a bush. It scared me to just look at him.

He was angry at me, I know that. I had not obeyed his orders and that is what caused all this.
Still, he saved me in that explosion. I didn't even get a single scratch.
In my guilt, I refused to look up and face him.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you're stupid?" He mumbled in a low gloomy voice, in between his coughs.

Behind me, I could hear Sanan chuckle at this, clearly remembering that he had also called me stupid a little while ago.

Ignoring his mockery, I muttered, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" He mused, "For getting all those people killed or for the ones who are going to be killed by that nuclear weapon?"

I tried to blink my tears away and walked closer to his bed. I sank down to my knees on the floor, beside his bed and took his hand in mine. Sanan's shawl that I had draped on my shoulders, slipped down and fell on the floor gracefully in the meantime but I didn't care.

I rubbed Ibrahim's cold, under oxygenated hand gently while he looked away from me in anger.
What I had done could not be undone. It could only be forgiven.

"I really am sorry big brother. I wanted to save us all. I know I'm stupid and I play by emotions but don't you think I already got my punishment?"

He didn't reply to my deeply voiced words so I kissed the back of his hand and continued speaking. "I already lost my parents, my husband is.....missing and my brother is in such a bad condition due to his love for me. Just because he wanted to protect me. Please don't be angry at me. I need you."

His eyes softened as my words hit his heart and a lone tear escaped his eye.
"You're not that stupid you know." He confessed, pressing my hand which was in his. "You said Sanan was good and you spared him even though the whole of Alnihayya was against it. If we had killed him, who would've come to our rescue today?"

I smiled at this, in between my tears, knowing that his anger was far gone now.
"I wish Zeyara could also witness this. Then he would know that his wife is also far fetched like him."
I didn't think before I said those words, they just came naturally but both, Ibrahim and Sanan grew white and silent with a strange tension in the air.

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